
     I have huge problems with tech, I almost gave up joining here as I kept running into problems about codes and passwords. I can use basic email and just about cope with some shopping, like the big forresty place, but some I find overwhelming. I don't know how to use a smart phone I can just about cope with a stupid one, but not well. Everyone seems to think that everyone else is comfortable with tech and that 'it's intuitive', who's intuition are they using? I can't seem to find any help and everyone seems to think more tech is the answer. I'm starting to get very excluded from the world as everything moves towards smart phones, mobile banking, do they really want me to crash the worlds entire banking system? That's the other thing with tech, I go near it, it goes wrong, the list of things I've crashed gets ever longer, sometimes I only have to stand next to something for it to stop working. I'm so fed up with stupid answers when I try and explain my problems, from people talking loudly and slowly to me, (my response was I'm autistic not deaf or stupid), or laughing, getting angry, trying to start me off at a place well above my understanding, like 'you have to decide if you want Apple or Android?' Most often they just sort of drift away, before I sprout a second head or something. One of my learning difficulties is that some bits of information go straight to long term memory storage without ever passing through short term memory storage, I'm told that without spending time in short term storage, I have no synaptic links created, so I can't retrieve information. For example I know I've done C&P dozens of times, but I can't remember how to do it, everytime is like the first, of course it dosen't help when I lose stuff, like an essay or something. Tech causes me more meltdowns than almost anything else

  • I know how you feel as I hate having to ask for IT advice, knowing they will either laugh or try and expect me to understand all the tech talk which is meaningless. I can do basic emails and zoom calls and internet searches. I do not own a phone full stop, smart or otherwise. There is a reason I drive a 1976 land Rover, no computers on board, it's all mechanical and you can see it all to work on it.     

  • I remember as a kid, looking at those 'big' landrovers and thinking they would be hard to drive, but they are the easiest thing I have ever driven, even the 110.  Nice flat sides, high seating position and big mirrors!  lovely!

  • Easy to drive? Not sure about that as I fitted an overdrive and still get confused over levers from time to time! Lat year, I drove to Suffolk and back, 440 miles and felt every one but I had fun at 55mph on the A47. Thanks for the tech offer, I really do struggle.

  • And so many cars these days are full of electronic systems that are virtually impossible to repair yourself, even outside of warranty (trying to repair them yourself is seen as tampering) and they always break down once outside of warranty 

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