Trying to get moved up to get a council home

Hi everyone. This is mainly for those who have council homes and no children. 

So I had to leave where I was living because I was in an abusive relationship with my ex partner. I moved back to my aunt and uncles house. I have now been trying to move back out. I have a support worker who is also trying to help. My family are trying to move to Bath to be closer to work. My work is here in Gloucester. And I have 0 interest in moving again. I’m a sick of moving I’ve never settled anywhere for longer than a year and it has left me so unsettled. However where I am living now is far too loud for me. The dogs bark a lot at night and im a light sleeper so I always hear them. There are younger boys here so they are always so loud. I am struggling so much here. All I do every evening is hide in my room because it’s too much for me. I am already so overwhelmed when I get home then everyone being so loud is just added extra. I am on medication for my anxiety and depression and have asked my dr to up my dose because I’m not coping. I have a very strict routine and possible OCD (I’ve not been tested but my therapist said it might be worth it) and I have to do things just right and being here messes that up for me to the point I can’t rest until it’s done. However I am fully aware that this isn’t enough to get me bumped up. But my family are on the brink of writing an eviction notice for me but I don’t want to be in a youth hostel again I can’t. I feel so stressed all the time and I think it’s part of the reason I fainted last week. If any one has ANY advice or any questions it would be appreciated. 

  • I suggest that you ask your doctor and your support worker to write a letter to the housing dept. (there may be a charge) explaining your challenges ect and how your current housing situation is at risk of breaking down. Include your health conditions and diagnosis and the potential risks to you should this happen. Push it. Provide them with all the details. Good luck x

  • I suggest that you ask your doctor and your support worker to write a letter to the housing dept. (there may be a charge) explaining your challenges ect and how your current housing situation is at risk of breaking down. Include your health conditions and diagnosis and the potential risks to you should this happen. Push it. Provide them with all the details. Good luck x

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