I just want a diagnosis

I have now been trying for close to 2 years to get a diagnosis of being on the spectrum. I spoke to a Dr for referral over the phone and was declined the assessment process for lack of evidence. I wasn’t surprised since the call with the Dr lasted about 3 minutes. I followed this up with my GP and he tried to palm me off with recommending speaking to a psychologist about my anxiety issues because he “doubted it was Autism because you have very good eye contact”. Even those he was condescending I pushed for a referral and got one. Eventually the Adult Autism Team got in contact to fill out a pre screening assessment (which I don’t feel was very in depth) and I have now been declined to progress any further despite me having a plethora of issues. I’m really starting to feel extremely low and frustrated I’m not being heard. It’s a lot to deal with right now as I’ve just lost my father on Christmas Eve. Is there anywhere I can appeal their decision? Or is there anyone I can turn to to try get a diagnosis because I really struggle work wise and holding down a job and for the last few years have became a full time parent/houseperson instead as my partner understands my struggles with working. 

I have 3 siblings who are all diagnosed with ASD. And I myself have been diagnosed with Dyslexia and Dyspraxia at age 19. I am now 30 and struggling more internally than I ever have. My 7yo daughter has traits of possible ASD and ADHD. And my 3yo daughter is ongoing for the ASD assessment just now. 

  • We have the same G.P!!

    In my case the path to diagnosis was much swifter than many report. 

    1. A freind suggested that I got to aspergerstestsite.com and test myself.

    2. I scored high enough that it warranted fruther investigation so I browsed the internet a bit, obtained some evidence to support the idea that I might have been carrying undiagnosed autsm for over a half century and went to see my Doctor with the same result that you got; "No, you have not got autism you interact too well". (over a half centruy of masking will do that!) Finally he agreed to do teh test and set me up an appointment for that. 

    3. I scored high enough to win a "referral". 

    4. I asked what was involved, and what timescale, and to be honest did not liek what I heard so I followed up wth a few phonecalls which was a good thing as the surgery seemed to think that several weeks was a fair tiemscale to even send the referral letter...   

    5. Since as always "it's thd squeaky wheel that gets the grease", and I know how to squeak loudly when I need to, I was in and out within three months...

    Your life is effectively "on hold" whilst waiting for that diagnosis, and I was NOT going to be put on hold for 2 years like some poor people allow to happen to them.. 

  • lol ive been waiting like 4 years now and it maybe 4 more ontop of this

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