
Can you explain what stimming is in a simple way?

I don't know if I stim

I know I make a noise with my breathing through my nose, but I don't know why I do it. 

When I'm in bed I like to rub my foot on the sheets. I know this makes me relax and calms me. Is that a stim?

I used to suck my thumb and touch a cold pillow with the back of my hand when I was a child. I know this relaxed me when I was younger

What else could me a stim? 

  • Based on my knowledge from what I've read and heard from others with autism, stimming is a way of self regulation / self soothing that everyone does, regardless of being neurodivergent or not. ND people, however, (especially autistic people) stim much more than NT people.

    Stimming can include playing with your hair, rocking, tapping your foot, chewing on inedible things, blinking repetitively, hand flapping, hand shaking, spinning, repeating phrases or words or noises aloud, humming, licking your lips a lot, etc the list goes on.

    I hope this helps :) 

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