Disability dating agencies “shallow Hal wants a gal”

I thought I would write a piece about dating with disabilities. I’m currently (single) but have found dating a minefield, I was bullied severely in secondary school as mentioned in a previous peice and post. I have had girlfriends but nothing really serious. I found myself recently using “adult material” as a gap fill instead, and realising I want a girlfriend and something real and meaningful it’s also sad which is then depressing as there’s more to life.

Its days and weeks when I don’t speak to anyone, another day not talking to anyone?!

Under the WHO and Universal declaration of human rights and various clauses is the right of disabled to have a sexuality and eqaul access to health care.

I read a peice about sexuality and sex and disabilities Peter commented on it.

I’ve tried disability dating agencies with no luck, it was the worst experience of my life ever! I went to a disability dating agency I was shown a brochure, page after page of disabled all looking for love it was degrading and demoralising. I have had proper adult relationships first person I said I loved it ended badly, but I still care about her, she’s moved on with someone else but I still care about her first love Charlotte nice girl.

The word love is chucked around so easily how people interpreted love there’s also sex and love which are two different things. 

I’m sitting at home at the moment just me and my mum and I want something real and meaningful, a silent house. Having no girlfriend is depressing, I don’t want to pay for adult relations just to have some female companionship touch interaction with a girl. There’s no point being a man if you have no one but particularly a girlfriend. 

I shoulndt have to pay for female companionship or interaction, I have a masseuse I have her because it’s any sort of female interaction it shows how little I interact with people as mentioned I have no friends which is even more depressing I have agoraphobia. 

I spend days not talking to anyone and (I’m not happy) (I don’t want a partner). 

I reach out trying to talk to girls online which end up being fakes I want to talk to real girls and women, it’s isolating and frustrating, then do I go to another dating agency? Or give up any relationship and become a monk “joke”.

I read other blogs about disabilities and sex and sexuality it shouldn't be this difficult and fiddly to find a girlfriend. 

im probably not the only one to find them selves in this situation but if your a heterosexual male it’s like “is that all there is” “I want more than adult material”, I want a real relationship with a girl. It’s good for clarity knowing what I want but I feel like I’ve been left on shelf at 40 which is depressing as well. I don’t want alternative I would like a nice cute female librarian that would do.

Im not superficial or vein just a genuine lad, I have looked and have tried and I still want a girlfriend would be niceSlight smile

  • It's a cliche but a lot of women are looking for the three sixes. 6 foot tall, 6 figure income, greater than 6 inches long..

    I recommend using the book that I recommend in my bio for learning and practicing the techniques of  being an "instinctively eligeable" male. 

    I've found that what women look for, and what they actually want and will make them happy, are two fairly different sets of qualities. 

    And in this, I'm totally certain of my facts and have put in solid research and have relevant experience. 

    Disabled does not mean "useless", but it des mean that you need to match your strengths to the requirements very carefully. 

    Also, reading "Games People Play" will teach you enough to "get by in the pub" (providing you don't actually drink more than teh driving limit) which when you've snagged your girl, SOME social outings HAVE to be done, so you might as well tool up for them. HEll, havinga  long term partner is SUCH a double edged sword, there's LOADS of new crap to put up with, but it's still overall more sul enriching that the solitary life for most people. 

    TBF it's just as bad for the women, just in a different way. 

  • It's a cliche but a lot of women are looking for the three sixes. 6 foot tall, 6 figure income, greater than 6 inches long.

    That so? I've been doing it all wrong, dammit!

  • That so? I've been doing it all wrong, dammit!

    Yes, I kept telling you you were aiming too high with 7, but you wouldn't listen Sweat smile

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