UPDATE: Feeling low still and have hurt myself (NOTE: trigger warning)

I posted a couple of weeks ago in this forum and kind of wanted to put in an update and seek some advice. To note I am in my early 20's and an autistic woman.

I recently had a panic attack at work due to childhood trauma triggers and other complications and have been off for a few days (around 5 ½) and unfortunately have been feeling very low about myself. I have been to my GP and am using sertraline as I have clinical depression - I am on 25mg as the 50mg was too strong for me. I feel very inadequate due to scathing comments from a family friend (who sadly I do work with in same department) and have been told I am putting it on and have said I am weak, I am educated enough to get over my depression, they have been telling me I am not as strong as my mum and how my parents (who have supported me) have been telling me to fake my panic attacks. I have been asked why can't I get over my cousin being murdered (this happened 2 years ago and I am still trying to process it). Basically, this has taken me back to childhood abuse again. I was even asked why I couldn't talk to them or other staff about how I felt, thing is is I have trust issues due to abuse and they don't understand that. They keep asking me if I am happy with my life, why I keep going on about mental health etc and asking how is medication going to help me and such to a point where the hammer is beating my fucking head in.

To add insult to injury, my home life has been questioned and I also feel they are invalidating my mental health. In my culture, mental health is a taboo subject (for reference I have Carribean background) and if you have it, it is seen as a problem (same with autism) and you are told to get over it. I have even been questioned in terms of how I use my money (when it has nothing to do with them) especially in the case of giving a bit to mum for rent/bill contributions (for context I work full-time in a council job and my mum works full time so we do split expenses)

I have almost attempted to kill myself with vodka and sertealine pills on Monday but my parents convinced me not to go through with it. As of recently since I am too weak to kill myself I chose to self-harm with some small blades from an old art knife I kept in a tin (which I binned yesterday so I can stop self-harm). A part of me regrets binning the tin and have thought of getting a new one; when I self harmed I concealed the tin in my work bag and often did it in a cafe where I was sitting alone at the corner - I brought my own plasters aswell so I didn't go to the first aid kit at work (as people would be suspicious). Speaking of work, my manager is going to have a sickness guidance meeting with me to discuss how to support me at work as I have had a few days off, also my family friend did say I didn't want my job and that I will be on benefits and my self confidence has been torn because of them. I don't have issues with other staff or my manager as they've supported me, I have thought of looking for a new job so I don't have to be working with the family friend as I feel they are toxic. For now i just act professional and refrain from discussing my personal life.

I did arrange to see a therapist aswell so I can get help and told a mutual friend I have been hurting myself. I want to tell my parents but don't know how. Also, I have even been second guessing myself in my job; wondering if I am doing anything right anymore. I am in the process of looking to leave where I am at mainly so I don't have to be in the same area as family or family friends (I don't have issues with my parents as they have always been there for me) by saving cash, hoping to find a place either this year or next and my parents are helping me.

I don't know what else to do and why I posted here but I hope to get some advice.

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