What do you work as?

Hey everyone,

I'm currently exploring various job opportunities and considering a career in labour, particularly as an electrician. I'm fascinated by the idea of working with my hands and finding a sense of accomplishment in a tangible result. However, I'm curious to know about your experiences. What do you do for work, and how did you find your way into your current profession?

If anyone here works as an electrician or in a similar field, I would love to hear about your journey. What drew you to this line of work, and how do you find it suits your strengths and preferences as an autistic individual?

Feel free to share any advice, challenges you've faced, or even just what a typical day looks like. Let's build a supportive space where we can learn from each other and offer guidance to those who might be considering similar career paths.

  • I write regulatory documentation for medical devices. I started out doing product testing and the part I was the best at was writing the reports, so I moved into report-writing full-time and regulation was where the jobs were (and still are). I really like it because there's a lot of routine and stability, but I still get to learn a lot of new things.

    Being an electrician sounds like a great job for an autistic person- we tend to be good at imagining things like how systems fit together and we like to be thorough, which are really important skills for working with electricity safely.

  • I write regulatory documentation for medical devices. I started out doing product testing and the part I was the best at was writing the reports, so I moved into report-writing full-time and regulation was where the jobs were (and still are). I really like it because there's a lot of routine and stability, but I still get to learn a lot of new things.

    Being an electrician sounds like a great job for an autistic person- we tend to be good at imagining things like how systems fit together and we like to be thorough, which are really important skills for working with electricity safely.

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