How do you cope with work?

I’ve worked in hospitality/customer service the whole of my adult life and always struggled, My recent autism diagnosis has made me realise how detrimental pushing myself to do this job is to my wellbeing. I have a meeting with work tomorrow to make reasonable adjustments - I’m on a zero hour contract as well and barely getting by with benefits. My mood is so slow and anxiety so high at the minute I’m struggling to do anything. I’ve applied to some remote jobs and disability benefits but feel like a failure. I’m just so tired of pushing myself to do things like this when it’s so stressful for me. I’m not sure what adjustments can be made or to go off work sick? Just feel so guilty because I love working and don’t want people to think I’m being lazy. I feel lazy by not working but I’m struggling, and rent and bills are so high.

  • I feel lazy by not working but I’m struggling, and rent and bills are so high.

    You're not lazy and you're not a failure.

    You've got to remember we're in a hard-right capitalist society designed by neurotypical people, for neurotypical people. There's very little thought and consideration given to the neurodiverse community, so there's no surprise so many of us find it exhausting. Our Prime Minister has also called The Equality Act 2010 "woke", which further highlights how out of touch with reality our government is and the problems that creates.

    The fact you're blaming yourself for this is another part of the problem.

    You're not to blame. The failures of our government are. The job market is horrendous, the economy a mess, and the Tories have even paraded anti-WFH propaganda around to take that away. That's what people should be getting angry about, not with themselves.

  • Well said Baked Potato.

    You are right, sadly.

    We've now reached the point where our Prime Minister is boasting about his plans for a tax cut for 'hard working people' to be paid for by cuts in benefits and public services. 

    It's madness.

  • It's been very sad to watch unfold over the last 13 years. They began it immediately as a class war with their 2010 austerity measures and it hasn't stopped since. Meanwhile, they bailed out the banks. The Conservative priority right there couldn't have been clearer. 

    One way out is to class all of this as an "illusion" (I Sperg style) and enter into a transmundane reality of nihilism where you can watch on and scoff.

    The alternate route is we have a general election later this year. Let's get out there and vote wisely. 

  • Meanwhile, they bailed out the banks. The Conservative priority right there couldn't have been clearer.

    Not making any comments on everything else that has been said, but simply as a matter of fact was it not the Labour government under Gordon Brown that bailed out the banks in 2008? He famously said in Parliament that they had saved the world, when he meant to say saved the banks!

  • This particular batch of Tories is horribly self-absorbed. They're completely cut off from reality, it is just pure traditionalist Conservatism - utter elitism. Some of the damage they've done to the country is irreparable, sadly.

    As an aside, I read yesterday that they're paying for a fleet of private boats to patrol the channel to stop the 'invading' migrants in small boats - so borrowing their mates' luxury pleasure boats and paying them for it then. 

    What's remarkable is this idiotic demagogue works. Just picking up on people's petty prejudices is enough to distract from 13 years of catastrophic governmental failures. Classic, grand scale Dunning-Kruger effect in action. 

  • This particular batch of Tories is horribly self-absorbed. They're completely cut off from reality, it is just pure traditionalist Conservatism - utter elitism. Some of the damage they've done to the country is irreparable, sadly.

    As an aside, I read yesterday that they're paying for a fleet of private boats to patrol the channel to stop the 'invading' migrants in small boats - so borrowing their mates' luxury pleasure boats and paying them for it then. 

    What's remarkable is this idiotic demagogue works. Just picking up on people's petty prejudices is enough to distract from 13 years of catastrophic governmental failures. Classic, grand scale Dunning-Kruger effect in action. 

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