My housing solution

Clearly the UK needs a lot more housing as the prices are unaffordable for most people. I would build lots of high rise apartments but with an aim of making them a lot more liveable than ones that were built in the past.

I would have them have landscaped gardens and almost zero tolerance for vandalism or urinating in the elevators. 

They could have triple glazing installed, solar panels on the roof, something on the roof collecting rainwater to use for water.

I would have them painted a cheerful colour, no gray. Maybe a nice pattern. 

The design would be practical but not ugly. Not just a tall box like some of them are. Some attractive features like how Victorian buildings had, little features to "dress up" the building, so to speak.

Realistically I think soon we are going to see lots of new housing estates of identical houses with tiny gardens spiralling out in ugly out of nowhere suburbia.

  • I live in a third floor flat. I have to sleep with ear defenders to avoid being repeatedly woken every night with noise from the street. I didn't hear my neighbours at all for the first 7 years I lived there. Now a family with several young children have moved in downstairs and I occasionally hear them screaming but it's very faint, maybe 5% of the volume from a child making the same noise on the street outside.

  • LOL, literally the meme

  • Yes I see myself as property jammy as I call it.  When I got my place in 1979 anyone could get one. One might have to wait a few months even then but not like it is now.

    Starmer said he is going to bulldoze the building of houses. I wonder how he will do this. In the past there have been reports of institutional and law problems getting in the way.  To me it has become ridiculous how much has been taken advantage of with subletting. We need to learn from past mistakes.  I hope he is not lying or just election advertising. 

  • We have had major mass house building programmes in the past so what is it that stops it happening now or soon  even if just temporary.  My view is if it is a serious need then ok to view major house building in a cyclical way. That is even if a decade of building takes place to solve the problem to sort it for a few decades to come.

  • As far as I understand far fewer hi rise flats were sold with right to buy.  Yes some places have more of a chance of rough residents causing trouble. Not sure how often though. I know of someone who lives within a high rise estate who finds it ok. Also an artist who lives in one who thinks things have improved. 

    However I also know of an Autistic person living in a non hi rise Social Housing flat who left for a while due to what they said was harassment from another Autistic.

    I would prefer low rise flats but I also feel that the problem has got so critical should we be open to all types of solutions.  Especially since homes are a basic human need. 

    To me what has happened in London which has also had an effect on the rest of the country should be called property extremism.

  • That is true and bizarre. We intervene in foreign wars like Iraq, Afghanistan, the Houthis in the Middle East now. But we cannot even secure our own border from endless numbers of migrants, which I don't really think benefits anyone much, even the migrants themselves, who must have some very deluded ideas about how good life will be here when they get here in our economic climate and with services stretched so thin.

  • I put this above, but it's one guys novel solution for cheap living whilst you save.

  • Probably, but it's all very expensive. Just need to figure out how to get there. :-) 

  • You could probably achieve that. 

  • I want to live on a plot of land in the countryside, a couple of houses, one for my parents, one for me and my husband.

    Live off the land, have some chickens, be away from the busy city...

    Would be wonderful.

  • You lucky!

    Keir Starmer is probably lying or exaggerating. Some of the biggest donors of the ruling party are big landlords, and they would never allow the government to erode their profits. Do you have any idea of how many fortunes were made by subletting crumbing council house?

  • We can't even build enough houses for the poor refugees, and legitimate immigrants, let alone the indegenous people... 

  • Not sure about hi rise but in my town there are areas with groups of Council Housing and Housing Association apartments that are say 3 or 4 storeys high which to me look ok and some people who live there say it is a nice place. Some are in ok areas.

    Yes we need more social housing and affordable. Keir Starmer says he want to build 1.5 million homes in 5 years and wants Georgian style. I wonder what he means by that. Does he mean exactly old style design or just a similar layout.  Maybe it’s a solution of many but not high rise or large estates. He also wants to build new towns.  Well we need areas to do it. We also need secure housing for people with a variety of needs including autistic people.

    Solving the housing crisis is close to my heart. It is also because of my own bias. I have lived in a flat on a Council Estate which to me blew away all of the stereotypes of Council Estates. It is a fantastic place by the countryside and lots of woods and water. Also a UNESCO Geopark. It is surrounded by affluent areas and Manor House’s. Yet I bought it dead cheap. My last mortgage payment in 2016 was £36 per month. Believe it or not. I bought it because I thought it would help me cope with part time work.  I did not know we would go so far into such a housing crisis though.  Now I feel guilty I have got it.  Secure and affordable housing is so important for people whether on one’s own or for families.  

  • In Switzerland if you put the washing machine on after 10 o clock at night the police come out and arrest you.

    Are they laundering money?

  • In Switzerland if you put the washing machine on after 10 o clock at night the police come out and arrest you. Wish it was similar here to be honest. Too many idiots get away with being ***** here.

  • i live in standard flats not high rise, and i have a annoying neighbour who makes alot of noise at night, one time partying until 5am with their druggy mates. often doing weird drilling noises and putting the washing machine on all night.... i can evict them though if they carry on as im a owner and they are just a tennant and it is a share of freehold type of flat lol

  • This is how council houses were supposed to work, but then the councils were forced to sell and we know the results. It did not work once, I have no reason to think that it will work this time.

  • Good soundproofing is expensive, and the noise comes more from the neighbours than from the street. I remember hearing my neighbours having drunken arguments, then fighting, then violent sex. I had a neighbour that liked to put porn on full blast, and some others that liked to party until 5AM. I got out as soon as I could, it was a sensory nightmare.