What’s everyone views on the bully xl ban?

Today the day the bully xl ban starts now. I am dead against the ban as I feel it’s not the dog it’s the owner. Also this won’t stop dog attacks and breeders are moving on to bigger dogs now. As a dog owner myself I love my baby I have a 12 year old Dalmatian called Lucy and I see myself as a responsible owner. I have also met some beautiful bully XLs and they were gentle giants the owners were genuine to. What everyone else’s thoughts on this do you agree with what I’m saying or do you agree with the ban? I won’t judge anyone opinion. 

  • Dogs are wolf descendants that have been highly modified by man, both in physical appearance and mentality. Some have been bred to hunt animals and certain types of animals, to carry or drag loads, to herd, to be lap dogs, to retrieve game, to fight bulls, to fight other dogs, to guard flocks or herds, to guard places or as food. While owner training can have a great effect on dog behaviour it can seldom completely override traits that have been selectively bred for. In general, dogs bred for aggression to humans (guard dogs) or dogs or other animals for sport (dogs bred for fighting) are going to be less reliable as to being aggressive than dogs bred for other purposes. Perhaps unexpectedly, dogs bred to hunt (various 'hounds') tend to have low levels of aggression towards people and other dogs.

    I am, therefore, in favour of banning breeds of dog that have been shown to be unusually aggressive to people and other domestic animals.

  • I'm not a fan of the ban. While I understand some breeds are more dangerous than others, I think this is likely to just cause other problems, with abandoned dogs, already stretched rescue vet services having to put down more healthy animals that isn't great for the vet mental health either. And those that want aggressive and dangerous dogs will just go for other areas.

    What I would like to see is more regulation around breeding and selling of dogs in the UK and of the import from other areas. Dog breeding is a lucrative trade, and this gets exploited and results in a large amount of animal cruelty, genetic defects, and an excess of dogs in many cases which are then abandoned or unlawfully killed.

    However, this would require work on the part of the government whereas for the bully xl ban they could push it off to largely charitable services and law enforcement while pretending they were making a difference. 

  • I live on a council estate and I’ve seen some of these breeds around my local area, even though I’m not a dog person myself and in my type of council property, I’m not allowed to keep any animals at all, as part of my tenancy agreement - I know that my local council has it as part of the tenancy agreement that permission must be sought by the tenant to keep a dog of any breed, but the concern here is that in some council areas, some local councils and council housing officers will seek to use this law to ban the affected breeds, becoming total Karens about it and will go on a total power trip, involving the police and other agencies to enforce this ban 

  • Sorry but I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration.

    While all dogs can be potentially dangerous, the small breeds are not going to carry such a threat. Of course there’s always the exception.

    The larger breeds can be life threatening to both other animals and people and it’s right that, that, needs to be considered if these dogs are out in public spaces, either off or on a lead.

    As so many others have said, it’s generally the owner and unfortunately it’s the dog that takes the flack.

  • Hi 

    I have worked in a property whose owner had an XL. I’m ok with dogs but when the owner told me they would lock it away from me I was nervous. This dog was a rescue and was a guard dog at a lorry park. The owners also had a toddler running around and this played on my mind terribly, it just looked like a recipe for disaster to me. I’m not sure what the answer is with this sort of dog tbh, on one hand I agree it’s the owner but on the other I think it’s the dog’s capabilities and how much damage they can do that brings the government to that decision. 

  • While you’re right it is often the owners and unfortunately that means it’s the dog that takes the blame.

    I do think they should be banned as they are a potential danger to other dogs and people, and I wouldn’t want to take a chance on owners taking responsibility.

    The Japanese Akita and Tosa are other dogs that are becoming popular and they are potentially equally dangerous! My dog was attacked by an Akita, even though the owner said his dog was a big ‘softie’ yeah right!

    You have to ask, why anyone would get any dog that has to be kept on a lead, which will probably explain the type of people who normally want such dogs!

  • I get nervous about dogs as some jumped on me and even got chased. I get confused with boxers and bully's. 

  • I can happily say that I don't care about this issue one way or the other.  Which is very unusual for me as I am very opinionated.

  • There is some background here but trigger warnings. 

    It discusses dogs that have killed:


  • The breed or type of dog is kind of irrelevant , the owner will know whether a dog is dangerous or not. 
    They them have a moral responsibility to muzzle the dog when in public. 
    I’m wondering if all dogs should be muzzled in public places then almost all risk is removed. 
    I have a lurcher, he is not dangerous but I would comply if such a rule was introduced.

  • i think bulldogs pitbulls and staffies are the most harmless dog.

    i dont understand why they ban them, but yet they allow violent yapping aggressive jack rustles and terriers and all of that to go on ok... what because they are small? and so we judge by appearance.... to me a jack rustle or a terrier is more dangerous and each one  you meet will charge you and try to bite you. i dont understand why this dog is bad but yet a pacifist smiling harmless type of dog gets banned just because it looks intimidating.