Can't remember characters names

I just finished watching The Office US on Netflix and I can't remember any of the characters names. This always happens to me whether I've watched a movie or TV series, even books. Characters names never sink in and it makes me feel like what's the point in even bothering.

  • It's something I've always struggled with. Remembering names and faces in real life is a huge problem too. 

    For me I think it is partly due to a combination of prosopagnosia and auditory processing issues. I do find the character names sink in a bit more if I have the subtitles on when I'm watching a movie or TV series. However it can be so difficult to work out who is who if some of the characters look similar in terms of stature and hairstyles etc.

    Rewind is how I deal with it. That and total concentration without any distractions. I often have to keep rewinding to remind myself who a particular character is.

    Also I record the whole series and watch them back to back in one evening, otherwise I will completely forget what happened the week before. When there is a new series of something I have watched previously I find I have absolutely no memory of what happened in previous series and it is as if I'm watching something completely new. However scriptwriters will often assume prior knowledge and that can make it hard to follow the plot.

    There was an interesting discussion about autistic memory on here a few weeks ago.

  • Rewind is how I deal with it. That and total concentration without any distractions. I often have to keep rewinding to remind myself who a particular character is.

    Great suggestion! 

    Do you think this will work for me as well? My memory recall is pretty lame lol names, places and my own childhood memory is really bad. I wrote on Debbie's holiday thread the other day and really struggled to remember even one holiday I had been on and I'm not even that old really. 

    I had a therapist who said sometimes your brain can shut out the past and that's why memories can be hard to think of because of childhood trauma. But I thought it would only block out the bad stuff but generally it's the good and I still remember the bad. Lol.

    I don't know it's all linked to ADHD, autism or trauma... Or is it all 3 coinciding with each other?

    Sorry, this got away from me! I'll try the rewinding technique and see how that works for me. It's interesting how so many of us have this memory difficulty.

  • I find that I can recall the traumatic events in pinpoint detail (necessary for me to constantly relive them), and it is the good stuff that disappears! I probably need to spend more time remembering the pleasant events so that they do not fade away.

  • I find that I can recall the traumatic events in pinpoint detail (necessary for me to constantly relive them), and it is the good stuff that disappears! I probably need to spend more time remembering the pleasant events so that they do not fade away.

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