Is it just us

My Autistic  son ,works, started uni through work and drives,but like so many kids today spends all his spare time alone on his pc in his room.He has no friends  and he is in denial ,he asked to be retested then changed his mind,we believe  to prevent him from hearing  again that he has Autism. He is now 20 and it is harder than ever to talk to him as he just grunts his answer back and have to ask him to repeat it which, again frustrates him.When listening  to him play his pc his clarity in speech is frightening and so I ask the question "is it just myself and my wife" we got him to join a club where other Autistic  people meet and he hated that and never went back.if only he would embrace his autism I think he would be a much happier  boy,if there any advice out there I would appreciate  anything and Thanks in advance.possible specialist that could maybe make him understand  about himself. Sorry for rambling  on ,just a worried  and concerned  Dad grasping for any positives

Thank you once again 

  • Hi there, I was thinking and maybe he will take time to accept his autism it sometimes takes years of maturity and experience to be able to accept it. I’m 23 now and feel a lot more accepting of it. I still get down at times but I don’t get upset like how I used to. It’s the same with any disability. Like if you had a car crash and got some disability it takes people years to accept it. Once I learned I had autism I started my journey of acceptance on that day. That’s was 5 years ago. Eventually you just learn to live with it. Accept what you can’t change the saying goes. 

  • My hope is he will follow in your footsteps  regarding acceptance, I have on a number of occasions  told him that it is nothing to be ashamed  of (I only used that phrase as he appears ashamed)and embrace it as it is who he is.but listening and reading yours and others advice,I think I will let him find himself ,if that's the right turn of phrase and just be there.

    Thank you so much and I wish you well for the future 

  • I’m glad I could help! Thanks wishing you all the best!

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