
So, I was wondering if anyone else feels this way?

We are encouraged, these days, to just be ourselves. But if you have done this and always found the real you is rejected how on earth are you meant to live in the world authentically?

Just ignore the negative responses and persist? Or, like most people in the world with a heart, do you then adjust your 'self' to be less divisive/offensive/turbulent, in order to find a way to fit? (Mask)

Just struggling to fit a star shaped personality through a round hole atm, and it's made me very depressed

  • But if you have done this and always found the real you is rejected how on earth are you meant to live in the world authentically?

    It depends what you're doing, there's social conduct to keep in mind as part of polite society. These days you get those tabloid readers who are proud to "I say it as it is, me" thinking they're being heroic in the name of free speech, while showcasing zero tact. 

    Other people have issues with guys like that (as it usually is men) because they're just obnoxious. Although they misinterpret that natural reaction as "snowflakes" and all that nonsense, so ramp up their "saying it as it is me" in return. Then people just tire of them and leave them to it. And in their brains they become lone warriors in the name of defending society. 

    My advice - find a balancing act.

    It's not difficult, really, just be polite and pleasant to people. Have a sense of humour. And be tolerant (unless you're dealing with someone intolerant - that's the paradox of tolerance thesis in action).

    But if the people you're being nice to don't reciprocate that, you need to find better people to hang around with.

  • But if you have done this and always found the real you is rejected how on earth are you meant to live in the world authentically?

    It depends what you're doing, there's social conduct to keep in mind as part of polite society. These days you get those tabloid readers who are proud to "I say it as it is, me" thinking they're being heroic in the name of free speech, while showcasing zero tact. 

    Other people have issues with guys like that (as it usually is men) because they're just obnoxious. Although they misinterpret that natural reaction as "snowflakes" and all that nonsense, so ramp up their "saying it as it is me" in return. Then people just tire of them and leave them to it. And in their brains they become lone warriors in the name of defending society. 

    My advice - find a balancing act.

    It's not difficult, really, just be polite and pleasant to people. Have a sense of humour. And be tolerant (unless you're dealing with someone intolerant - that's the paradox of tolerance thesis in action).

    But if the people you're being nice to don't reciprocate that, you need to find better people to hang around with.

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