My dad and grandmother - is it possible they had autism even though they were diagnosed with a learning disability

my dad had a learning disability which was diagnosed. He passed away at  the age of 57. His two brothers have epilepsy, one of them even told me he thinks he has autism but never sought the diagnosis because he feels like he "wants to get jobs on his own merits". He doesn't want support.

Anyway, my dads mum also had a diagnosed learning disability.

I have a strong feeling they had autism event though it wasn't diagnosed.

  • I absolutely don't want to sound rude, so if I am, I deeply apologise: but are you certain you are not projecting?

    Your uncle said he suspected he had autism, you probably looked it up and thought it sounded a lot like your family members, So you concluded they had autism.

    Then again, you see them daily and are better placed to make that assessment. On another note, if your uncle does not want help that is his choice, maybe, you and them can make that decision for a diagnostic later in life.

  • No, not my Uncle.
    My SON was Diagnosed.
    Then i was officially Diagnoses 2 Years later.
    Have not seen my Son in 15 Years.
    Enjoy your booze- up...

  • Think Kittera was talking about my situation, and I agree somewhat. I don't know if my gran or dad had autism, I am just assuming. 

  • It does not take much to confuse us ASD People huh ?
    A conversation on here is like a game of chess !
    Anyway, am glad we are all cool with each other.

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