I’m not lazy

I’ve had a good career at work, done well. But at the end of 2020 I crashed. Massive burnout. I’ve had a few extended absences since then because there were times when even showering in the morning used up all my spoons.

I’ve managed to do ten months now without an absence of more than a few days but every day is still a struggle and I always run out of energy.

I know the people who’ve known me for years must be wondering why I get so much less done now and the people that have joined the company more recently must think I’m just lazy. But they have no idea how much effort it takes just for me to get through the day.

Does it ever get better? Do people actually recover from burnout?

And how have you managed peoples’ perceptions of your lack of energy?

  • When i worked full time i would need time off sick quite often as i couldnt cope. I realise now that these occasions were burn out. I didnt know that i was autistic. 

    It didnt get better for me. I have resigned from good jobs as a result. 

    Have you spoken to your employer? Are they able to provide you with any support to help you in some way? 

  • When i worked full time i would need time off sick quite often as i couldnt cope. I realise now that these occasions were burn out. I didnt know that i was autistic. 

    It didnt get better for me. I have resigned from good jobs as a result. 

    Have you spoken to your employer? Are they able to provide you with any support to help you in some way? 

  • My line manager and some of my colleagues know that I’m autistic and that I’ve been struggling and I think they’ve given me a bit of space, been less demanding. But I also feel I’ve been slightly sidelined as a result because they still need to get things done and I suppose they feel they can’t rely on me as much.

    I don’t have family so my whole identity is wrapped up in my job, so this is really hard for me.

    I’ve been considering asking to work a 4 day week.