Does anyone else mishear sounds or have issues identifying noises?

I spoke to my therapist about this the other day, I often hear things.... not voices but sounds and I have such a hard time identifying where the noise comes from or if I am imagining it. And it makes me so anxious, even panicky. I sometimes even do hear things, but like if someone's called my name but haven't, suppose that's mishearing.... I am trying to understand if this is somewhat common and based on my sound sensitivities. I get like this a lot when I am anxious or overwhelmed.... I am a late diagnoses so trying to get my head around what's common and what is not. Any similarities or advice welcome! I sick of worrying if I am going crazy and why sounds can make me so on edge. 

  • I experiance this. Ill hear something that other people cant hear and it will bother me. And it sounds like its comming from the right then when I look right then it sounds like its comming from the left then when I look left then it sounds like its comming from everywhere and nowhere all at the same time.

    I will only hear voices when im overwhelmed. Like walking down a crowded street then I can hear someone saying my name then I look around and nobody is saying anything to me. So then I keep walking and pretend I dont hear anything but then I worry that someone actually is saying my name and that im just ignoring them. 

    I wonder if im crazy or maybe I thought it could be a trauma responce? When I was growing up then Id hide in my room most of the day and if I heard even the slighest sound then id freeze and just hope nobody was comming to me. And Id also listen closely when people were talking about me so maybe I just hear things because of that? I dont know, I could just be trying to make an escuse, I could just be crazy.

    Anouther thing that you didnt say but I thought of when reading the title, was I have a hard time identifying what people are saying because of the different sounds. Like just yesterday my dad said "do you hear those sirens?" and I thought he said "do you have the assignment?" and I thought he was talking to someone else cause it didnt make sense but then he got mad that I didnt respond. People are always saying that they cant understand what im saying because I dont stress my words in the right spot or ill say the wrong sounds, so I guess I just have trouble with that. I cant tell certain letter apart either, like saying G and saying J sounds the same to me. At doctor visits I always have perfect hearing, so I can hear sounds just fine, I just cant process them properly I suppose.

  • I experiance this. Ill hear something that other people cant hear and it will bother me. And it sounds like its comming from the right then when I look right then it sounds like its comming from the left then when I look left then it sounds like its comming from everywhere and nowhere all at the same time.

    I will only hear voices when im overwhelmed. Like walking down a crowded street then I can hear someone saying my name then I look around and nobody is saying anything to me. So then I keep walking and pretend I dont hear anything but then I worry that someone actually is saying my name and that im just ignoring them. 

    I wonder if im crazy or maybe I thought it could be a trauma responce? When I was growing up then Id hide in my room most of the day and if I heard even the slighest sound then id freeze and just hope nobody was comming to me. And Id also listen closely when people were talking about me so maybe I just hear things because of that? I dont know, I could just be trying to make an escuse, I could just be crazy.

    Anouther thing that you didnt say but I thought of when reading the title, was I have a hard time identifying what people are saying because of the different sounds. Like just yesterday my dad said "do you hear those sirens?" and I thought he said "do you have the assignment?" and I thought he was talking to someone else cause it didnt make sense but then he got mad that I didnt respond. People are always saying that they cant understand what im saying because I dont stress my words in the right spot or ill say the wrong sounds, so I guess I just have trouble with that. I cant tell certain letter apart either, like saying G and saying J sounds the same to me. At doctor visits I always have perfect hearing, so I can hear sounds just fine, I just cant process them properly I suppose.

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