Does anyone else mishear sounds or have issues identifying noises?

I spoke to my therapist about this the other day, I often hear things.... not voices but sounds and I have such a hard time identifying where the noise comes from or if I am imagining it. And it makes me so anxious, even panicky. I sometimes even do hear things, but like if someone's called my name but haven't, suppose that's mishearing.... I am trying to understand if this is somewhat common and based on my sound sensitivities. I get like this a lot when I am anxious or overwhelmed.... I am a late diagnoses so trying to get my head around what's common and what is not. Any similarities or advice welcome! I sick of worrying if I am going crazy and why sounds can make me so on edge. 

  • No. Not misidentifying sounds anyway.
    I can identify which neighbor across the road has turned their bathroom tap on in the night for the sounds alone, I can "see" with ears I know when number 26, 27,  or 28  has come home because not only do their cars all sound slightly different but I can tell how far they parked up the carpark by the direction of the gravel crunch, how many people got out of the car by the number of footsteps coming up our shared path and if I didn't know who it was already from the sound I do when I hear which of the front doors open and shut. Despite we do not share a building.

    What I can't do is hear a single word someone right next to me and looking me in the eye is saying in a noisy cafe or with a busy street nearby, it's like their lips are moving but I don't hear the words.

    I am not just hearing things when my ears are in hyper mode tho, a friend with standard hearing and one with hearing loss I don't even bother asking anymore "did you hear that?" because they didn't. I have a friend with SPD who is quick to verify yes I did infact hear stuff to them though when they see me sharp turn my head like a cat.

  • No. Not misidentifying sounds anyway.
    I can identify which neighbor across the road has turned their bathroom tap on in the night for the sounds alone, I can "see" with ears I know when number 26, 27,  or 28  has come home because not only do their cars all sound slightly different but I can tell how far they parked up the carpark by the direction of the gravel crunch, how many people got out of the car by the number of footsteps coming up our shared path and if I didn't know who it was already from the sound I do when I hear which of the front doors open and shut. Despite we do not share a building.

    What I can't do is hear a single word someone right next to me and looking me in the eye is saying in a noisy cafe or with a busy street nearby, it's like their lips are moving but I don't hear the words.

    I am not just hearing things when my ears are in hyper mode tho, a friend with standard hearing and one with hearing loss I don't even bother asking anymore "did you hear that?" because they didn't. I have a friend with SPD who is quick to verify yes I did infact hear stuff to them though when they see me sharp turn my head like a cat.
