Hi just wondering

Has anyone else dealt with bullying, harassment and discrimination in the workplace, some of which is related to your disabilities? And how did you deal with it. May or may not be asking hypothetically.

What channels did you go through, like who did you tell, did you pursue anything legally? 

  • Ive dealt with bullying alot. Even people who act like my friends, I find out were actually just interacting with me to use me as entertainment and make fun of me. Other people will be more obvious about it though. I personally never did anything about, but it probably is a good idea to say something especially if its hurting your mental health.

  • Ive dealt with bullying alot. Even people who act like my friends, I find out were actually just interacting with me to use me as entertainment and make fun of me. Other people will be more obvious about it though. I personally never did anything about, but it probably is a good idea to say something especially if its hurting your mental health.

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