How much of your personality have you had to surrender, to fit into Nt societies conception of ,what a human being should be?

This ones hard to answer.  Are there any shrinks in?  

What is personality for a start?

What did you want to be when you were a child? And what are you now?

  • i didnt want to be anything, i just wanted to exist... so i guess wanting to exist without having to do stuff and being able to do whatever i want would more fit wanting to be born rich lol or to win the lottery. but i dunno, i just didnt chose to be born but here i am, i didnt wanna do all this crap people force us to have to do. 

  • i didnt want to be anything, i just wanted to exist... so i guess wanting to exist without having to do stuff and being able to do whatever i want would more fit wanting to be born rich lol or to win the lottery. but i dunno, i just didnt chose to be born but here i am, i didnt wanna do all this crap people force us to have to do. 

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