How long to receive appointment from autism service after sending forms?

Should I have heard back from the NHS autism diagnostic service by now? I posted my forms (childhood questionnaires etc) back to them two weeks ago. The letter I received with the forms said they'd discharge me if they didn't hear from me by October 26. Do you think I should email them? I can't use a phone.

  • I was referred to local NHS service after filling in the forms. I finally heard from Clinical Partners after NHS sent my referral to them, five years after my original referral. Then I made an appointment for two weeks later with Clinical Partners had my two separate Autism assessments on Video call, and got a diagnosis video appointment two weeks later, and my full written diagnosis four weeks later on my Clinical Partners portal. Clinical Partners are only a diagnostic service the NHS uses, any follow up or treatment you would need to contact your local NHS who originally referred you.

    I would recommend emailing them, or asking a person you trust to phone them for you if you are not able to use the phone.

  • Hi Christine, this is very helpfui. Can I ask when you were referred for Clinical Partners, I was referred in late September so hoping I hear from them soon.

  • I was originally referred to NHS Merseycare in 2017/18, Clinical Partners contacted me 5 years after my original referral, I didn't know who they were until they phoned me.

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