Local Groups - any one got any experience in setting them up?

Has anyone ever tried to set up any local groups?

I live a bit out in the sticks and can't drive, but do work.  This rather means that the scant support group resources there are are all beyond reach for me to participate.  They are in the day when I'm working, or way beyond walking distance at night when there is no transport.  It does leave me rather isolated from other autistic people.  There must be others like me in the neighbourhood, I just don't know who they are, where they are or how we could help each other.  Online communities like this are fantastic.  I'd be lost without you guys. But we all need local chums for that cup of tea when we're down or a laugh over a shared interest, or a hand when you've got a practical problem - from someone face to face too.

With that I posted something on a local community forum, hoping someone will come forward wanting to set something up.

Just wondering if this has worked for anyone else?

  • Thanks and sorry it took me me so long to see your reply to me.

  • Thank you.  And well done.

  • Congratulations! That’s an achievement! I hope you can apply for funding for your group and attract some members.

  • I have found it very difficult to facilitate a group and understand social interaction. I prefer the planning and marketing side more than the delivery I would say! Slight smile

  • I have recently set up a group online and in our community of East Lancashire. I was supported by my NHS mental health service. It feels like possibly a year to develop it for me with my pending autism assessment which has now been completed. I feel like the social setting of a group will be a challenge for me but I am willing to run a small group. I was co facilitating it with the NHS team now they have stepped back and I found someone else to be a co director and hope to apply for funding. There is a link here if you would like to read more:(i mention my recent diagnosis of Autism too: www.eventbrite.co.uk/.../medication-for-your-mind-saturday-group-online-tickets-726103323587

  • Hi I helped find places for local meet ups. Explored local Cafes and Community Centres. Can create simple flyers and take them to libraries, community centres etc. This Wednesday there is an Autism Cafe meeting. Also activities are part of some meetings.

    They can also be advertised and organised via www.meetup.com. Any more info I will be glad to share. 

    Also I go on some zoom meets and there are people a bit out in the sticks who join.

  • Hello,

    Yes i would be happy to help you if possible.

    Kind Regards 

  • Yes I absolutely agree!

  • And I do work from home. It's great in many ways, but life can't consist of moving from the bed to the machine then the sofa, lol

  • You are very welcome! 

    I think I kind of saw this as an add on to these for those who would like to get out and about a bit.  Certainly by five o'clock, I've had all the zoom I can handle for one day and would like to stretch my legs a bit and talk to something other than a computer screen. 

    Great idea. Yes I understand what you mean about Zoom, especially for those of us in our community who work from home.

  • Thanks, I'll follow the link.

    There are, I have to say, online opportunities and as you say it does suit many because of the lack of pressure to talk at all or behave in any particular way.

    I think I kind of saw this as an add on to these for those who would like to get out and about a bit.  Certainly by five o'clock, I've had all the zoom I can handle for one day and would like to stretch my legs a bit and talk to something other than a computer screen. 

  • Hi Dawn, there are loads of us who are isolated as you say. I wonder whether your group that you are hypothesising about could potentially meet on alternative weeks face to face and online via video call?

     I am part of the Aucademy autistic social group and I recommend this because in this group when on call, there is no pressure to have my camera on and use speech, the majority of people communicate through typing using the chat box. I am very welcome to observe and be in the space just taking everything in and I am still valued as a participant.

    I thoroughly recommend this type of format for an autistic social group as it so freeing when I have no neuronormative communication expectations to adhere to. Just a thought.

    Also here is a video you may find useful- Autism Social Groups vs Autistic Social Groups:


    It may give you some ideas about what our community wants from a social group.

  • I completely understand why you or your son might struggle to attend these groups. Would you feel more comfortable for example if you didn’t have to use speech and there was a chat box available on Zoom?

  • Yes, the shyness for some might be a problem.  Just strikes me as sad that for every 100 neighbours we each have at least one of them is like us and we are all sitting their feeling isolated feeling like we are the only one on the planet

  • Yes, that would take a lot of commitment from a lot of people, I would think.

    I was thinking very local to me, so no transport needed.  One person replied.  Two people do not a group make.  I was of course just thinking more talk shop and hobbies just to get people out and about and have some contact with other autistic people and a source of mutual help and support, rather than services, albeit it could be a portal for other information.

  • I think this is an excellent idea. I feel autistic people need this. At the same time though I suspect both me and my son might struggle to find the courage to attend such a group, even though in principle I like the idea (and my son would if there were people his own age there). 

  • Did you get anywhere with this Dawn? I have been recently looking and can't find anything in all of Dorset! The "Contact us to find our more about setting up your own branch" on NAS is a bit daunting...

  • Indeed. I'm imagining several people in quieter public spaces.

  • However you do it, you've gotta make sure to stay safe though!

  • Sadly, balance and co ordination exclude bikes too...never could learn to ride one, lol