Struggling to get going

It’s been a while since I last posted or joined in on any discussions on here, which I guess sort of links to this post in itself really.

I’m finding I have a significant lack of motivation at the minute. In fact it might not be that at all. Im struggling to begin basic tasks and start any activity that I usually get done or enjoy doing. Im not really sure how best to describe it, but I’m sort of just stuck in a bit of a loop of knowing I need to do some things, but struggling to get going with them. 

To my knowledge I am happy (I use the phrase ‘to my knowledge due to alexithymia and the difficulties this can entail), so I’m wondering what this phase Im going through is really.

Any help/advice/thoughts will all be appreciated. 

  • Hi, I’ve had struggles with starting simple tasks, it’s an inability to take the first step. Have a look at something called autistic inertia., it answered a lot of questions for me.

  • Autistic Inertia- That is a phrase I think I saw on here quite some time ago and was what I had in the back of my mind somewhere when I was trying to explain what I am experiencing and have experienced many times before. I just could not retrieve the wording. I think some reading lies ahead for me - when I eventually get going and am able to begin reading that is!

  • Autistic Inertia- That is a phrase I think I saw on here quite some time ago and was what I had in the back of my mind somewhere when I was trying to explain what I am experiencing and have experienced many times before. I just could not retrieve the wording. I think some reading lies ahead for me - when I eventually get going and am able to begin reading that is!

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