First time working

I'm doing ok with my working. This is my first job and though I've had a lot of anxiety, I'm doing ok. I monitor motorway cameras, though there's way more to it than that I've got to update the system every couple of minutes on the traffic congestion and weather. It's an interesting job to be honest and I'm enjoying it so far. It can be stressful but I think that's to be expected.

I'm feeling proud though that I've got to this stage in my life. A few years ago I was depressed and a anxious mess, I couldn't leave the house and didn't see much of a future and now I'm here, working and living a little. Unfortunately my physical health is pants but that's undergoing treatment so I should be better again soon if it all works out.

  • Well done to you. It sounds so interesting. I adore my driving job. The roads and vehicles are so amazing to observe. I love seeing the city. I ended up craving more human interaction and ended up getting a people job but now yearn for the days when I did that job full time. When it was just me, the city and the road. 

  • Your job sounds interesting. I never thought I would enjoy work this much, yet here I am loving every second of it. I'm glad you're enjoying your work. It sounds like you get to travel, that must be exciting.

    I'm at work now, as you can see, lots on the roads this morning.

  • It looks great. The roads are such an interesting environment. What did we do without cars? My nan used to tell me stories about riding around in her dad horse and cart. How it took a day to get somewhere. I think I got sacked from my people job today hooray!! Now I get to do more of the alone, driving job. 

  • It looks great. The roads are such an interesting environment. What did we do without cars? My nan used to tell me stories about riding around in her dad horse and cart. How it took a day to get somewhere. I think I got sacked from my people job today hooray!! Now I get to do more of the alone, driving job. 

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