ASD And the Paronormal. DO you believe UFO'S are real ? Serious Question.

Over the last 18 Months to Two years, sightings have increased, and video evidence, even by the Governments have been disclosed.
Before you " Scoff " at the idea let me ask you a question.....Is there proof of life in outer-space ? 
No ?
Then how can i post this comment if life in Space doe's not exist ?
It does.
I do not believe they come from other planets, i think they are Time Travellers.
Yeah, i hear ya, old Def Leepard has lost the plot.....But....
Imagine in the future, hundreds of years when Kids are at School.
In my Day, we got a coach to London Zoo for a Day trip, but way in the Future maybe Technology involves getting in a " ufo thingy "
and ACTUALLY going back in time to actually witness the past.
If i could go back to Victorian Times and show them a mobile phone, they would think " What the hell is that " ?
Well, isn't that EXACTLY what we do when we see weird, colourful, shape shifting objects in our Skies ?
We presume our PRESENT is our time, but maybe not in the future which we CANNOT comprehend.
If i had a Time machine i would go back in  time and tell Jack the Ripper to cut it out ( No pun intended ).
My point is this.... If Time travel ever becomes possible, then we will see evidence of it NOW.
Strange how every Natural disaster on Earth has been Documented with UFO sightings ( Fact )
Maybe Kids in the future Don't study books in History Lessons, maybe they just pop on a craft and go back and witness it first hand.
Yes, OUR future is NOW, but that does not mean " Future" future is not in existence.
Just ask Doc Brown from Back to the Future for further information.  ( If you can find what year He is living in )
My point is...UFO'S are REAL. 
70's  to Present Day... The cattle Mutilations over the World.
Surgical precision cuts not even possible with a Modern Day Laser ( Light amplification by stimulation by emmited Radiation )
I reccomend the Book " Stalking the Heard " to chill your bones.
This IS real.
SOMETHING is in the pipe-line.
Think i'm weird ?
Fair enough, but it does not make me wrong.
They ARE here, and we need to be worried WHY ?

  • Lovely to see you back.  You've been in my thoughts.  I hope the inevitably mind bending adjustments of your current "new reality" are proving bearable for you and yours.  If it made sense, I'd be sending you an "arts emergency survival supplies pack."

    With respect.


  • out of the way rural locations where there us unlikely to be anyone of consequence to meet

    Like me, I reckon that many-a-potential alien visitor would consider some people in rural locations to be "their type of people/subjects/interlocutors" of choice.....I suspect they might assess "people of consequence" against a scale of parameters that some humans probably have no grasp over, whatsoever.  Amazingly blinkered and narrow minded aliens are unlikely to come visiting.....don't you think?

  • the places and worlds these phenomenon come from I don't know but they come to interact with us as best they can.

    If they were advanced enough to travel across light years of space or across dimensional barriers then I find it odd that they only appear in out of the way rural locations where there us unlikely to be anyone of consequence to meet and they fail to make contact with our race in any meaningful way.

    Not just once, but time after time it seems.

    You would think them more likely to do a "The Day The Earth Stood Still" type meeting to a major population centre.

    It is this serial ineptitude that makes me think they cannot be an advanced species and are much more likely to be just something we don't understand yet (natural phenomenon or science project being kept under wraps).

    I did want to be a believer when I was younger but repeated events like the above made me realise that it is probably not what I hoped it was. I keep an open mind but ongoing experience only reinforces my expectations that we are just not understanding what we are seeing.

  • I have seen craft land and take off. Craft of unusual design and with no visible means of propulsion as we understand it. using physics like no human made craft I had ever seen. Mostly the landing and taking off happens in the countryside or in national forests.

    I have loved in and been in first nations villages in Mexico where the electricity suddenly cuts out at dusk for the whole area and bright balls of soft light begin to travel through the foot paths through the forest at superhuman speed for the whole night. They were traveling in sentient patterns. They even stopped in front of us and linger.

    I have also seen this in other similar situations in Oaxaca, Arizona, Spain and in Thailand. These shared experiences. Not just me. this is well before the days of drones. I have seen these and similar since late childhood.

    the places and worlds these phenomenon come from I don't know but they come to interact with us as best they can.

    Sometimes people will see things that are really there but don't fit into their worldview catalogue, so they "un"see them as not having been ever seen. This also, I have seen.

    I am sure also that the way aliens experience their reality is different from enough from our own to allow for many misinterpretations, ie: why would someone expect an ET to need to call home at all? that is a human construct. that is not scientific. 

    There are countless other first hand events I could relate, but this is enough.

  • We got to the point of ruining several tubes of deuterium in a row, and in two separate (and slightly different) iterations of the same experiment run by different people in different places.. 

    By "ruining", I mean changing the ionisation spectrum from it's normal deuterium blue/purple to a dirty green.

    Our guy has a self running power producing version in concept too.

    The only advantage doing such things confers is a sense of achievement.

    You actually get paid the big bucks for NOT inventing stuff...

  • Look into your nearest portal---Bigfoot is there!

  • No professional or scientific journal will give him a look in but that in itself does not necessarily dismiss his breakthrough.

    It is probably the sheer number of other people (scientists and amateurs) who have claimed to have created cold fusion yet whenever they are assessed by people using proper scientific method, the phenomenon could not be demonstrated.

    I guess the scientific community have suffered so many frauds and clueless amateurs who could not reporoduce their claims that they gave up in frustration until someone can demonstrate it in a reproducable way.

  • I repeat and believe reality is far more complexed than we could ever imagine.

  • There is a Chinese guy on Quora who claims a breakthrough in-- I think with nuclear cold fusion. No professional or scientific journal will give him a look in but that in itself does not necessarily dismiss his breakthrough.

  • Reality is far more complexed than we can imagine!

  • I am open to other worldly entities, it amazes me how life can for and grow anywhere, you should see the weeds in my garden. 
    Why would extra terrestrial life not exist elsewhere.

    if they’re here they will be advanced, with advancement come intelligence, so I doubt if they’re a threat to us, .

    on a separate note I really hope that Bigfoot is real too.

  • The thing about UFOs was much stronger in my youth than now, it seems.

    That is quite a common factor, I think young people start to grow up, realise what am absolute shot show we have made of the planet and society and start to long for some powerful, intelligent being to descend from the skies and make it all better.

    Sounds like religion when you think on it this way.

    Frankly if you consider the state we are in with such polarised politics in most western countries and totalitarian regimes in most eastern countries then any aliens looking down on us would be saying "I'm not touching that even with yours!"

    If they leave us a few more decades them we will have succeeded in destroying the planet, or at least polluting it beyond salvation and they can switch their reality TV cameras off and stop sending the feed back to their planet on the car wreck reality show we call Earth...

    I can't think of much else we are good for that they can't pick up once we have wiped ourselves out.

  • I'm a sceptic.

    There was a time when I was more easily convinced, however I got burned.

    I've read some interesting discussions on aliens - like they do exist (or existed, or will exist) but the fact that their existence overlapping with ours and being close enough makes it much harder.

    I read a lot of science fiction and fantasy - one I'm reading right now has a whole collection of aliens hovering around earth waiting for an 'event' before they reveal themselves.

    The thing about UFOs was much stronger in my youth than now, it seems.

  • I don't know, does life exist elsewhere in the universe? Probably. Have E.T's (or time travellers) visited earth? Possibly. It can't be proven one way or the other. 

    When I was a child, I saw a U.F.O. in the early hours of a summer morning, it looked like a silver cigar, hovering in the air. After what felt like minutes but could easily have been seconds, it flashed away at high speed  - whoosh! Gone. 

    Nor was I the only one to see it, the story may even have made the local paper...

    So that was a UFO. Aliens? Maybe. 

    But on the other hand, there was a military development base near to where I lived, where weapons and vehicles were tested...

    Sounds more sinister than it seemed at the time! Joy

    So maybe what I saw was in fact terrestrial, an experimental vehicle of some sort..

    I don't know.

    Oddly  enough, I also wondered if ETs were in fact time travellers when I was younger.. perhaps they are! 

    It's a mystery.

  • I believe because I have seen and experienced first hand. first hand is the only evidence I could accept.

    What exactly do you believe you saw? An unidentified object is simply something you have not identified - to label it as alien seems a stretch to say the least given all the other possibilities open to us.

    Short of the craft landing, identifying themselves as the Krull from Bravo Sigma 4 and then flying off to phone home it would seem appropriate to leave them labelled as "pending identification".

    That would be a scientific approach - trust but verify before claiming anything.

  • I believe because I have seen and experienced first hand. first hand is the only evidence I could accept. I'm as muhc of a Whovian as the next fella but, I don't think they are time travelers. they are simply extra T.s.

    Perhaps because I see things in raw format, without the labels, right away and am willing to allow a thing to linger as is without defining it right away that UFOs in the sky and on the ground read as such in a very graphic way. I believe I've also had closer contact as a late adolescent but those experiences are remembered as through a groggy haze, and so not as reliable as fact.

    I am not worried about the UFOs or the extra Ts. they are as we are, explorers and observers. Humans attribute nefarious motives in others as we harbor those motives in ourselves. 

    one day we will be the extra T.s!

    I have to say though I love the premise of time travel as a potential. Have you read as Connie Willis books. they are all about what your driving at! She wrote "To Say Nothing of the Dog", "The Doomsday Book", and others. you may find a kindred spirit in her.

  • My point is humans needed a lot of help to get where we are today

    I would say no to that.

    With the superconductors, I've been involved in a team that noticed an unusual behaviour of regular conductors at low temperatutes (a common phenomenon in metals) and the team then took the idea and said "what if we take it to extremes" and started testing conductivity in supercooled conditions (using liquid nitrogen (-195.8C) which is commonly available in physics labs) and they started to get some very interesting results.

    Using similar techniques to other experiments to lower temperatures by using them in a vacuum the next step was to lower the temperature further and at a cutoff point the superconduction became achievabe.

    The practical applicaitons of this need to happen at room temperature so for decades the research was focussed on how to create an alloy that worked at room temperature and had the superconduction behaviour.

    It took people from lots of different discipines, lots of testing and engineering, thinking outside the box (ceramics were a promising development when I last worked on the project) and iteration after iteration of the ideas.

    No green men, no vastly superior intelligences - just lots of smart people and shed loads of hard work.

    Kind of like the other technological achievements you refer to - this is how science and engineering come up with such amazing stuff.

    Lots of autists in labs basically Slight smile

  • If ET's are working on earth they're an advanced civilisation which regular humans are unaware of. Take your superconductor example - the concept of SC's are simple because we know about them, we understand how they work, however the SC you worked with wasn't the first SC made. SC's already exisited - albeit in a simple or different form. Humans had to invent the concept of the first SC, identify / mine compatible materials / build machines to mine materials, build factories and production lines. What's the most advanced human technology that you or the average man could invent and develop, even with the entire knowledge of humanity? What about an independent group of universities before human knowlege and technology became advanced? My point is humans needed a lot of help to get where we are today, human technology is not human because it is impossible.