Quirks :)

I started keeping a list of some of my quirks because I find them amusing Slight smile so I thought I'd share some of mine, you can add your own ones to the thread below if you feel like it: 

- I can't touch hangers - they freak me out.

- certain kinds of pasta are WRONG.

- particular bowls in my kitchen are for specific things (pasta, cereal) and cannot be mixed up.

- I haven't worn underwear since the pandemic.

  • Yes! And then you can't get rid of the bloomin thing! Drives you crazy, because it absolutely will not stop! 

    It can happen with any tune, but music in a minor key, or that spans more than an octave is the very worst! 

    I find that sort of music euphoric too, it's amazing to hear, but then I can't get rid of it! 

  • Constantly. 

    Every day.

    Anything can trigger it by association. 

    There are a multitude of songs in my head awaiting the trigger.

    This is a lifelong thing and I wonder if it has a name (other than ear Bug).

  • Does anyone else get phrases or tunes stuck in their head for days and days? I've had one popular Christmas song (I won't say wich just so you don't get it too!) in my head for days, it just goes round and round and round in the background of my mind.. 

  • I have to have things symmetrical, so if there is no equal space between cutlery and a mat either side I have to move them and straighten them if at an angle.

    If I turn a music CD off in the middle the tune has to end on a tonic note.

    Tins have to be organized in types and sweet and savory.

    I like to do things in a set order every time and sometimes re do things that are not quite right. I have been known to move things that someone else has placed if not quite a way I feel comfortable with.

    I prefer TV volume at even numbers and particularly avoid 13. On the theme of numbers I prefer those divisible by something, so don't like prime numbers. The best numbers are those that are divisible by lots of numbers. Now I am wondering if people think I am odd if I say that is a good number.

    I am quite particular about matching clothes. I can reject a top or socks if they don't look good together. I notice that on TV too and have been known to miss something I was waiting for because I was looking at what the person was wearing.

  • I'm just *umping this thread.

    I have avoided the whole word, which begins with a 'B' as the last time I did this on 3 threads, the nasty Spamometer got me.

  • Funny! It would be a great Autism test, a brilliant example of how literal we can be.

  • Funny! Another autistic literal interpretation!

  • The purring like a cat sounds like an adorable quirk. I had a friend growing up who used to do that as well Blush

  • I feel that inanimate objects have a life and feelings and I respect them.

    If I throw something down the staircase I feel as though I'm going down with it and it makes me dizzy (I'm not talking about breakable objects here, I'm not that wierd).

    I had a good example of the above happen today.

    I had a large cardboard box, a small cardboard box and a piece of rolled up brown paper to put into the recyling.

    The 1st thing I did was to put the paper inside the small box and then put the small box inside the large box.

    However ... then I felt that the paper was suffocating, so I had to remove it and put it next to the small box.

    So, the paper and small box are inside the large box, with the top open, so they can both breathe.


  • Yes, it saves me having to clean the toilet Grimacing

  • I make sounds like a car moving when I walk and run, and then braking with a sssss like a bus when I stop.

    This started when I was a kid and I still do it now. I love imagination, it is undeniably awesome Sunglasses

  • It was quite disturbing actually.

    I never knew what it was until I met my autistic friend (we were in a relationship then) and oddly, considering its rarity, he had had it too as a child.

  • I like all my tins or jars to have the labels to the front and kept in their groups. I put all cutlery in separate sections of the dishwasher cutlery tray, all forks in one section and so on. It makes sense when putting them in their section in the drawer, you don’t have to sort them. People wearing odd socks is freaky and I never walk in bare feet, if it’s unavoidable then on tiptoes.

  • I haven't heard of that before but just looked it up on Google. What an interesting thing to have.

  • I've just remembered another.

    I had 'Alice in Wonderland Syndrome' as a child.

  • When one of my mugs gets chipped or is cracked I use it as a pen holder, I now have too many pen holders! 

  • I've got a few quirks :) 

    My favourite is that I purr like a cat when I'm happy or when I'm hugging my mum.

    I walk on tiptoes most of the time.

    Talk to plants, animals and my dolls.

    Have different coloured eyes (does that count as a quirk?)

    Photographic memory.

    Use the same colour pegs for hanging washing.

    Chew my hair.

    Biting nails and skin.

    I hop around sometimes.

  • If I hang out items of washing that require two or more clothes pegs, the pegs need to be the same colour. It's not that I think something bad will happen if I don't, it's just that it really bugs me. I have no idea why.

    When doing the washing-up, I find I have to sort the items into categories first, rather than just placing everything in the washing-up bowl and cleaning the items in no particular order. For example, cutlery will usually be cleaned first, followed by plates, bowls, and then mugs.

    If getting dressed, the notion of putting on a pair of socks AFTER putting on a pair of trousers seems completely wrong to me.

    When visiting a location I'm unfamiliar with, I need to study it beforehand on Streetview. The same applies when friends and relatives move to a new address, although that's more out of general curiosity.