Quirks :)

I started keeping a list of some of my quirks because I find them amusing Slight smile so I thought I'd share some of mine, you can add your own ones to the thread below if you feel like it: 

- I can't touch hangers - they freak me out.

- certain kinds of pasta are WRONG.

- particular bowls in my kitchen are for specific things (pasta, cereal) and cannot be mixed up.

- I haven't worn underwear since the pandemic.

  • Interesting. I like your quirks.

    Here are some of my quirks.

    - I only drink from yellow cups.

    - Soup is the only thing I eat. I've only eaten soup since I was 17.

    - I don't talk in my normal voice, I put on a Northern American voice. 

    - I wash my hands between 30-50 times every half hour.

  • Hello 87604 - nice to meet you - I am Number.

    So, on average, you wash your hands at least once every minute - sometimes twice?

    I have a broad selection of normal voices - which one pops up tends to be governed by my surroundings and the person/people I am speaking with.  It worries people that it changes so much - can't seem to help it.

    I drink at least 12 cups of coffee per day on average - only from one of two mugs = my profound preference.

    I love soup - but generally eat most things that are in front of me.

  • Hello Number, I have now given myself a username - a nickname I have been blessed with in real life seemed appreciate to use on this site.

    Yes sometimes it can be more but it's excessive, a reaction to anxiety I have been trying harder to ease on it.

    I'm the same, my voice change bothers most but it's a natural process for me I have always done this.

    That's a lot of caffeine, be careful as it can worsen anxiety - I drink only coca cola about 8 cans each day.

    You can't go wrong with soup. It's my favourite meal now.

  • Number, you are a super hero!!! (a highly caffeinated one) 

  • Yes, I entirely agree with the logic and validity of those statements.  Moreover, I have studied some of the studies relating to caffeine and its affects on animals and humans - spiders are completely undone by the stuff - far more so than by far more Class A concoctions.

    But......nonetheless......I can only report what I experience.  Last month, I had a 10 day period where I only imbibed 6 cups of coffee.........and I was fine.  In the last couple of years, I've deliberately gone "cold turkey" for periods of weeks, and again, no evident upside nor downside of it.  Like I say, weird, I know.

  • Number, I always thought that caffeine had no impact on me but when I went into my first rehab it was caffeine free, just herbal teas and water. After a few months we were trusted to go into the local town and I sneaked in a coffee - just before I got back into the mini-van back to the rehab centre I vomited my guts up right on the tarmac. It's a tolerance thing, if you're used to a lot you're used to a lot - but I bet if you cut it out suddenly you'd have a reaction - ditto introducing it again!

  • Number, I always thought that caffeine had no impact on me but when I went into my first rehab it was caffeine free, just herbal teas and water. After a few months we were trusted to go into the local town and I sneaked in a coffee - just before I got back into the mini-van back to the rehab centre I vomited my guts up right on the tarmac. It's a tolerance thing, if you're used to a lot you're used to a lot - but I bet if you cut it out suddenly you'd have a reaction - ditto introducing it again!

  • Number, you are a super hero!!! (a highly caffeinated one) 

  • Yes, I entirely agree with the logic and validity of those statements.  Moreover, I have studied some of the studies relating to caffeine and its affects on animals and humans - spiders are completely undone by the stuff - far more so than by far more Class A concoctions.

    But......nonetheless......I can only report what I experience.  Last month, I had a 10 day period where I only imbibed 6 cups of coffee.........and I was fine.  In the last couple of years, I've deliberately gone "cold turkey" for periods of weeks, and again, no evident upside nor downside of it.  Like I say, weird, I know.