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Morality Issue

I have huge problems taking holiday, and previously only travelled to see my mother who I didn't get on with and it was always very traumatic.  I stopped visiting her years ago and have a rue that l my holidays had to be productive and learning to justify the amount of anxiety preparing for them brings out. So it's been Thai boxing camp and Berlin as I was learning German. I haven't been away for almost 8 years.  This was all before I even though I might be aspie.  Just the preparing, arranging a sitter for my cats, getting to the airport on time and not missing the flight makes me tense and the whole thing not worth it.

I purchased tickets to see Rammstein in Berlin on Saturday.  I bought the tickets last year as I really like their music and I haven't been away for a very long time and I though I would treat myself to a nice ticket and a trip as I though since I've been learning for a while and been hyperfixated on the band plus I could practice my German would be a good way to start again. Now, if you've read anything about Rammstein you'll know what a disaster this has turned out to be! The sex offence charges against the lead singer, the protest plant for this weekend in Berlin etc. I haven't been able to do much for the last week.  I'm really conflicted but because reading all the facts it looks like the singer is guilty as charged.  But my ticket was really expensive, and I worked so hard preparing everything and then there's the ticket price and obviously part of me feels duty bound to get this done.  I can't help it! I don't know how to feel about any of this but I'm feeling increasingly, dangerously, upset.  I have people telling me I shouldn't go, people telling me I should go.  I'm still doing the flight part but I haven't thought past that point. It's weird, but it doesn't feel like it's moral decision. Maybe because I was more into the music than the individuals? Maybe I'm horrible and selfish, and a bad person who only cares about her tasks. Why am I still going?  Why do I still want to?  Just thinking about this is making me want to just run somewhere else and hide and never come back (even though I can't. cats.) I Don't see the band as people maybe, just sounds?  I'm not sure.

I think I jut need a place to get this off my chest. I don't expect to hear nice things. or anything at all. Seeing bands live was the only place Ii felt I could relax.  Weird isn't it.  I can't do parties or dinners. But just drowning in a sea of people anonymously listing to music you like makes me relax. Not sue I can do that again though as people will always just be people. 

  • But we should just ignore that ... because it is 'right wing'!  

    Why do you constantly slam the 'left-wing' in these sorts of posts (indirectly here of course).

    There are clearly people posting here of different political views but I find you the most offensive.

    I've voted Labour all my life and view myself as a socialist, so every time you slam the 'left' (and I think you have twice at least likened it the Nazi party) you personally offend me.

    I think you should desist or people might start to give you back as good as they get from you.

  • Debbie, as one of the people who has abused me on this site, i suggest you are not in a strong place to make such statements. And you still owe me an apology.

    I did not bring up right wing in this thread ... please read fully before you post more false claims about me.

  • Debbie, as one of the people who has abused me on this site, i suggest you are not in a strong place to make such statements. And you still owe me an apology.

    I did not bring up right wing in this thread ... please read fully before you post more false claims about me.

  • I'm sorry, what? No one here is gaslighting anyone.

    And we're saying right wing because last month Suella Braverman brought up grooming gangs as being of Pakistani origin in an interview. In fact she said, “(We see) a practice whereby vulnerable white English girls — sometimes in care, sometimes in challenging circumstances — being pursued, raped, drugged, and harmed by gangs of British Pakistani men, who work in child abuse rings or networks.” and mentioning that organisations and law enforcement had been mum on the issue owing to political correctness, she added, “We've seen institutions, social workers, state agencies, cops, and social workers turn a blind eye to this — out of political correctness and out of fear of being called racist. There are many perpetrators running wild and behaving in this way, and it is now time for authorities to track these perpetrators down without fear or favour and bring them to justice.”

    Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but Suella "let's send our immigrants to Rwanda" Braverman is most definitely a right-wing darling, so when one of her major talking points (above) comes up in discussions in such an obvious way, it's generally a clear sign that the person bringing it up holds right-wing values.

    And any time someone starts talking about pandering to race, or political correctness, it reminds me of a quote from Neil Gaiman:

    "I was reading a book (about interjections, oddly enough) yesterday which included the phrase "In these days of political correctness... talking about no longer making jokes that denigrated people for their culture or for the colour of their skin. And I thought, "That's not actually anything to do with 'political correctness'. That's just treating other people with respect."

    Which made me oddly happy. I started imagining a world in which we replaced the phrase "politically correct" wherever we could with "treating other people with respect", and it made me smile.

    You should try it. It's peculiarly enlightening.

    I know what you're thinking now. You're thinking "Oh my god, that's treating other people with respect gone mad!"

    --Neil Gaiman, February 14, 2013

  • She's right, It's as easy to get tag teamed by a bunch of weirdo's here, as it is anywhere else.

    Touay has a point, though.

    They always start off calling you "right wing", I've seen that tactic since I was a kid. I actually thought I WAS right wing until I took (several) political alignment tests!

    It's called gaslighting, and it's been applied wholesale to the sectors of my demographic for decades now.

    YOU are the carbon they are trying to eliminate.

    JUST go and look at the current population figures since 1950 and draw a line... 

    But someone has got you all arguing about how many pronouns can dance on the head of a pin...

    And the numbers keep declining...

  • as one of the people who has abused me on this site,

    That has never happened.

    Prove it.

    You went off on one because I simply asked you to prove something you stated as a fact.

    That's all I did.


    And you never did so, by-the-way.

    I did not bring up right wing in this thread

    I quoted you on it.