Everyone feels like that comments at work


I was diagnosed 4 months ago, & was a late diagnosed in my 40's. I have always thought everyone had the same struggles & sensory issues that I had & learnt to tolerate a lot of things in my life. I have disclosed my diagnosis to my manager, & was talking to her about my struggles & got shut down & told "everyone feels like that". I struggle to explain how I feel & was one of the few times I have ever opened up at work & I was just shut down. This was a few weeks ago & I keep replaying the conversations & can't figure out how I should respond to comments like this. I know this conversation will come up again, as I have asked for an occupational health referral to discuss reasonable adjustments. 

If people have good answers to the everyone feels like that statement or ways to deal with this, I'd love to hear them. 

Thank you

  • I’m sorry that you received such an ignorant response from this person. Your manager obviously has no understanding of Autism, which is very unfortunate and not very professional either. Hopefully the occupational health person will be much more helpful to you - I think it’s very likely that they will be much better informed. It might be worth discussing the comments made by your manager with the O.H member of staff. Some staff training might be required for your manager. Good luck 

  • I’m sorry that you received such an ignorant response from this person. Your manager obviously has no understanding of Autism, which is very unfortunate and not very professional either. Hopefully the occupational health person will be much more helpful to you - I think it’s very likely that they will be much better informed. It might be worth discussing the comments made by your manager with the O.H member of staff. Some staff training might be required for your manager. Good luck 
