Positive posts - One beautiful thing

Feels like there are too many arguements and too much nasty name calling and labelling on this forum. 
I am going to try to do one positive post every time I go on here 

So todays one is say one beautiful thing you saw today 

Mine is a female blackbird sitting in my garden 

Whats yours?

  • I probably have a favourite in each category, so goldfinches from the finches, red kites from the birds of prey, puffins from the sea birds, lapwings from the shorebirds, collared doves from the pigeons, swallows from the migrant aerial birds, jackdaws from the crows, long tailed T-I-T-S from the T-I-T-S. Although I do love robins and wrens. I have a tattoo over my shoulder with a robin, a wren and a goldfinch, and I'm thinking of having the other should done with a blue T-I-T, a great T-I-T, and a long tailed T-I-T.

  • That sounds great! I went to a bird display once where - I seem to remember - for the finale, they let ALL of the birds out at once and it felt like we were in The Animals of Farthing Wood

  • The falconry display they have at the moment is really good, they have a lot of different birds and they fly them through the audience sitting on the bank. We took a class trip there in September and the kids were either fascinated or petrified, nothing in between.

  • Well it's definitely some thing a lot of people here are interested in myself included!

    I find sea birds really interesting but not many people I know share an interest in that.

    What's your fave bird do u think?

  • Amazing! I thought they only resided up in Scotland. I went to Warwick Castle as a child and it had a REALLY strange smell!

  • No but I know they have a white tailed sea eagle at Warwick Castle and my son wants to go over the summer so I'll try to get a decent photo.

  • I've lost track of all the animal threads but if anyone has a photo of a) a kestrel or, b) a white tailed sea eagle that would be lovely.

  • I've been going to different RSPB reserves recently, as I rejoined as part of my acceptance of suspecting I'm autistic and having a special interest in birds. Before that I kind of minimised it because people haven't always been receptive to me talking about birds a lot.

  • Your lucky to have so many near u!

    I mostly only get seagulls where I am and not much wildlife.

  • A day spent birdwatching, they're always beautiful to me.

  • Can picture it tho sounds cute Heart eyes

  • A fluffy juvenile robin bobbing about. No photo unfortunately!

  • There's a catnip grooming brush attached to the table leg, they can run their heads against it and the catnip comes out.

    I've always had cats so we've of course had them pass away but I can remember the good with the sad for them. They are such a joy, even their passing doesn't take away from that.

  • My cat Dorothea BlushSmiley cat 

    Here she is Smiley catSmiley cat she's looking sorry for her self cause she's got the vets later lol Laughing

  • The cat that's moved in jumped up on my legs this morning. She's so soft and sounded like a little engine running.

  • Your cat is both beautiful and reminds me very much of Blackjack, "Bestest Cat in the world", and unlike my partner I LIKE being reminded of past cats, (of course there's sadness that he isn't still here, but he made me much happier when he was alive, than his passing made me sad).

    Look at those lovely ears, I just know what they'd feel like to rub and fondle... Blackjack liked me to "check the aft and forward attachment points" with a gentle tugging motion very much indeed, and would manoeuver a knuckle into his actual ear so as to get a good rub of the inside. I think he was part ferenghi, now I think about it.

    Does she get catnip?

  • She's only started sitting like that the last year or two, either it's a new habit or her joints are starting to ache a bit, which is only fair since she's 14.

  • Hello KareBear.

    I like your wording "I've been struggling in the loneliness of not wanting to socialize."

    That is very resonant with a protracted period of my life some years back.  It can be (AKA so totally is !!) a bleak and empty feeling.  If you want positivity about it........I slowly found my way back out of the long dark corridors into a more functional and positive position.  It did take time, but I got there.  You will too.

    In my opinion, the key thing is to try and stay sane.  That isn't as easy as it sounds...but I strongly suspect you already know that ?!

    Welcome to this place.  Try not to worry about everything all at once.  Try not to focus on any single "key thing" that needs fixing RIGHT NOW.......there is a time for all things.  Try not to blow-up or sabotage any existing vestiges of relationships that still exist......if the relationships are meant to survive...they will.

    I hope to run into you elsewhere on these pages if you choose to share with us.


  • Fabulous photo.  Thank you.  I love a cat with an out-turned back leg = peace and safety ...... [or about to fall off something!!]

  • I always liked the saying: 'After every Winter comes Spring' 

    ...no idea where I heard it, but I often remember it when I'm down or struggling...