Arguments on the forum

I don't know about others, but I'm getting a little concerned that the arguments will put off new members.

Quite often people join and then disappear quite quickly.

I've been involved in these myself on occasion, so I'm not innocent.

However, maybe the mods could create a section where these potentially contentious threads could be placed that had a heading like NSFW (a new one on me but it seems to be well known).

If a seemingly innocuous thread then turns into a constant argument, perhaps it could be moved to there.

It's sometimes interraction between older males and older females (or non binary etc) and comes down to very different relationship/*ex points of view but can of course stem from any subject and any set of contributors.

I think it happens more often than it once did, and I've not been here a year yet.

  • After reading this thread and the other one that's causing controversy, I'm not surprised women and queer people don't feel safe here.

  • What in particular do you feel has made "women and queer people" not feel safe here?

    As far as I am aware, there has been nothing that has threatened them.
    I'm getting quite tired of these accusations that are being implied by a number of posters without any substance. Many times I have asked for posters to quote my words to back up the accusations that they are making. No surprise that so far there has been nothing.

    I thought that this was supposed to be an inclusive community where all views within the rules are permitted. I have reported my own posts to the mods to make them aware. If I have broken any of the rules, then I expect to hear back from them. 

  • I literally told you why your bullet points seemed homophobic. You ignored it.

    For context, this thread came following views being espoused by several current members including that women were better off in the days when they were forced to be housewives, gay pride events are like 1940s German rallies, a woman should stop taking antidepressants because her reduced sex drive was annoying her partner, white people are the real victims and a whole string of deeply concerning posts about consent. Several members left or went into hibernation because the toxic discourse was upsetting them. 

  • We have afterall managed to have some very good discussions, I just wish more were like it.

    I agree, and have, in the past, congratulated both of you for the manner in which you have navigated and contained the emotive elements of  an issue to keep appropriately "on topic."

    Your discussions with Peter have helped me to "think around" some of the difficult subject matter that you have tackled - and for that, I thank you both.

  • A) I was just doing a bit of nitpicking. B) I'm not nessicerally sugesting you thought the forum rules trump the law ... but I could see other people concluding that from your post.

  • I'm honestly surprised you decided to pick at that considering that I literally never said that wasn't the case. I find often times Peter you appear to read things in my posts and replies that aren't there. Which is a shame as I frequently find it stops us having as productive a chat as we could be having instead. We have afterall managed to have some very good discussions, I just wish more were like it.

  • From a purely legal point of view the rules of law trump the rules of the forum. And it is sometimes possible to get court orders to have defermation trials in secret. Also you can sometimes get court orders to force online forums to hand over personal details of people accused of defermation. But in order to do this you at least need to have an arguable case. 

  • Ridiculous sabre-rattling.

  • a co-ordinated mob arrives to vilify you,

    There is no co-ordinated mob.

    There are just individuals who are often vulnerable and who have received persecution in these sensitive areas, as I have.

    Some of those individuals have now left the forum to be replaced by others who are now leaving, and so the cycle repeats itself.

    Just people trying to go about our lives with a lot of adversity that doesn't need the addition of conflict here.

  • GPK26. This place is full of Autists.

    After three years of observation of my fellow Autists, (and myself of course) I've come to the conclusion that we are essentially "annoying people". 

    We come here hoping to find refuge from the greater society that finds us annoying and irrelevant, and what do we find? some days, more purified "annoyance" than a man (or woman) should ever have to take. 

    The trouble comes when you start to act on that annoyance. As you and several others including myself get tempted to do from time to time. 

    It's wrong (According to my own principles, which I recognise not everyone holds nor should they be compelled to according to the same principle) that when you admit to holding certain values that a co-ordinated mob arrives to vilify you, and it's entirely correct of you to oppose that process by means of standing up for yourself in the forum, but it is NOT right to escalate beyond that. 

    Oppose the philosophy by all means, but don't go for the actual people on a personal level.

    Cultivating intolerance and fomenting hatred, leading to bad actions is THEIR way. 

    People like to talk about the "Alt right" (a nebulous concept at best, seemingly used as a slur, in much the same way as "conspiracy theorist" is applied to anyone who disagrees with any part of the mainstream news these days) but that's old hat.

    The new party to join is the ALWAYS RIGHT PARTY!! 

    It's the only party that really captures my interest, but the membership exams are tough and I keep failing.

    If you get my drift...

  • You're anonymous here, what happens here in no way affects you in real life so making a legal case about it would mean having to expose your real identity (which is also against site rules for the forum), you might as well say you WANT it to be slander and defamation so much you're willing to shoot yourself in the foot. Nothing has happened to you here except your feelings got hurt. Which is not illegal, and you'll likely be laughed out of court when you'd have to explain you wilfully exposed your identity to make out that anyone here has supposedly defamed you (a mystery person we only know as GPK26).

    In fact what you are really doing here with these "I'll get the law on you" threats is bullying people (mostly minorities) who you don't like what they had to say in the hopes they will shut up and let you be mean to them and their peers unchallenged. And as someone who has been involved in the justice system believe me when I say from experience that the court if it even got that far, which I doubt, will want all the evidence of what was said to and by you in order to assertain whether slander has actually occurred, and much what has been said would not land in your favour. Especially as your browbeating behaviour towards them has caused no less than 2 people to want to leave this forum.

  • I’m not giving legal advice.. but I’m not sure an anonymous person can be defamed. It might be hard to demonstrate the damage to reputation part if your wider identity isn’t attached to the allegedly defamatory statement. Youd have to ask a lawyer about that one.

  • Contrary to what you may think or believe to be the case, my previous post is far from ridiculous nonsense.
    Don't believe me? How about taking a look at this article published by a law firm that specialises in internet law -

    Not sure if you can or are willing to edit your advice about not taking it seriously - that is a VERY dangerous message and it would be terrible if someone took your advice at face value, only to find out that they can be liable for and prosecuted under UK law.

  • Sorry bud, but that’s just ridiculous nonsense.

    Anyone else reading this: please don’t take it seriously or worry about it.

  • I wouldn't be so sure that there is no further action that I can take.

    Whether that directly impacts specific individuals or has consequences for the NAS, well that is something that I hope that I don't have to find out.

    If you believe that interacting on the internet whether that be through social media or community forums is truly anonymous then you are very much mistaken. Yes, there are steps that you can take to try and mask (no pun intended) your identity, but people can be traced especially when legal boundaries are crossed.

    I have made my position [regarding what I consider slander] quite clear on more than one post, yet the antagonists keep going at it.

    If you think that I have taken any pleasure or "enjoyed" what has been going on, then you are very much mistaken. I am aware that certain members have decided to leave / take a break from the forum and I find that quite disappointing TBH.

    Empathy is something that I have always been incapable of feeling, sorry buts that's just me. It's not a personal attack on anyone or refusal to change - its the way that I am.

    BUT, I do get your point and am more than happy to let sleeping dogs lie, but I will absolutely defend myself should anyone want to carry on the way that they been doing so up until now. If that mean pursuing legal routes, then so be it (I already have details of the avenues to take, costs involved, etc) - trust me I am very serious about this. 

  • I wouldn't be so sure that there is no further action that I can take.

    Whether that directly impacts specific individuals or has consequences for the NAS, well that is something that I hope that I don't have to find out.

    If you believe that interacting on the internet whether that be through social media or community forums is truly anonymous then you are very much mistaken. Yes, there are steps that you can take to try and mask (no pun intended) your identity, but people can be traced especially when legal boundaries are crossed.

    I have made my position [regarding what I consider slander] quite clear on more than one post, yet the antagonists keep going at it.

    If you think that I have taken any pleasure or "enjoyed" what has been going on, then you are very much mistaken. I am aware that certain members have decided to leave / take a break from the forum and I find that quite disappointing TBH.

    Empathy is something that I have always been incapable of feeling, sorry buts that's just me. It's not a personal attack on anyone or refusal to change - its the way that I am.

    BUT, I do get your point and am more than happy to let sleeping dogs lie, but I will absolutely defend myself should anyone want to carry on the way that they been doing so up until now. If that mean pursuing legal routes, then so be it (I already have details of the avenues to take, costs involved, etc) - trust me I am very serious about this. 

  • We have afterall managed to have some very good discussions, I just wish more were like it.

    I agree, and have, in the past, congratulated both of you for the manner in which you have navigated and contained the emotive elements of  an issue to keep appropriately "on topic."

    Your discussions with Peter have helped me to "think around" some of the difficult subject matter that you have tackled - and for that, I thank you both.

  • A) I was just doing a bit of nitpicking. B) I'm not nessicerally sugesting you thought the forum rules trump the law ... but I could see other people concluding that from your post.

  • I'm honestly surprised you decided to pick at that considering that I literally never said that wasn't the case. I find often times Peter you appear to read things in my posts and replies that aren't there. Which is a shame as I frequently find it stops us having as productive a chat as we could be having instead. We have afterall managed to have some very good discussions, I just wish more were like it.

  • From a purely legal point of view the rules of law trump the rules of the forum. And it is sometimes possible to get court orders to have defermation trials in secret. Also you can sometimes get court orders to force online forums to hand over personal details of people accused of defermation. But in order to do this you at least need to have an arguable case. 

  • Ridiculous sabre-rattling.

  • a co-ordinated mob arrives to vilify you,

    There is no co-ordinated mob.

    There are just individuals who are often vulnerable and who have received persecution in these sensitive areas, as I have.

    Some of those individuals have now left the forum to be replaced by others who are now leaving, and so the cycle repeats itself.

    Just people trying to go about our lives with a lot of adversity that doesn't need the addition of conflict here.

  • GPK26. This place is full of Autists.

    After three years of observation of my fellow Autists, (and myself of course) I've come to the conclusion that we are essentially "annoying people". 

    We come here hoping to find refuge from the greater society that finds us annoying and irrelevant, and what do we find? some days, more purified "annoyance" than a man (or woman) should ever have to take. 

    The trouble comes when you start to act on that annoyance. As you and several others including myself get tempted to do from time to time. 

    It's wrong (According to my own principles, which I recognise not everyone holds nor should they be compelled to according to the same principle) that when you admit to holding certain values that a co-ordinated mob arrives to vilify you, and it's entirely correct of you to oppose that process by means of standing up for yourself in the forum, but it is NOT right to escalate beyond that. 

    Oppose the philosophy by all means, but don't go for the actual people on a personal level.

    Cultivating intolerance and fomenting hatred, leading to bad actions is THEIR way. 

    People like to talk about the "Alt right" (a nebulous concept at best, seemingly used as a slur, in much the same way as "conspiracy theorist" is applied to anyone who disagrees with any part of the mainstream news these days) but that's old hat.

    The new party to join is the ALWAYS RIGHT PARTY!! 

    It's the only party that really captures my interest, but the membership exams are tough and I keep failing.

    If you get my drift...

  • You're anonymous here, what happens here in no way affects you in real life so making a legal case about it would mean having to expose your real identity (which is also against site rules for the forum), you might as well say you WANT it to be slander and defamation so much you're willing to shoot yourself in the foot. Nothing has happened to you here except your feelings got hurt. Which is not illegal, and you'll likely be laughed out of court when you'd have to explain you wilfully exposed your identity to make out that anyone here has supposedly defamed you (a mystery person we only know as GPK26).

    In fact what you are really doing here with these "I'll get the law on you" threats is bullying people (mostly minorities) who you don't like what they had to say in the hopes they will shut up and let you be mean to them and their peers unchallenged. And as someone who has been involved in the justice system believe me when I say from experience that the court if it even got that far, which I doubt, will want all the evidence of what was said to and by you in order to assertain whether slander has actually occurred, and much what has been said would not land in your favour. Especially as your browbeating behaviour towards them has caused no less than 2 people to want to leave this forum.

  • I’m not giving legal advice.. but I’m not sure an anonymous person can be defamed. It might be hard to demonstrate the damage to reputation part if your wider identity isn’t attached to the allegedly defamatory statement. Youd have to ask a lawyer about that one.

  • Contrary to what you may think or believe to be the case, my previous post is far from ridiculous nonsense.
    Don't believe me? How about taking a look at this article published by a law firm that specialises in internet law -

    Not sure if you can or are willing to edit your advice about not taking it seriously - that is a VERY dangerous message and it would be terrible if someone took your advice at face value, only to find out that they can be liable for and prosecuted under UK law.

  • Sorry bud, but that’s just ridiculous nonsense.

    Anyone else reading this: please don’t take it seriously or worry about it.