Arguments on the forum

I don't know about others, but I'm getting a little concerned that the arguments will put off new members.

Quite often people join and then disappear quite quickly.

I've been involved in these myself on occasion, so I'm not innocent.

However, maybe the mods could create a section where these potentially contentious threads could be placed that had a heading like NSFW (a new one on me but it seems to be well known).

If a seemingly innocuous thread then turns into a constant argument, perhaps it could be moved to there.

It's sometimes interraction between older males and older females (or non binary etc) and comes down to very different relationship/*ex points of view but can of course stem from any subject and any set of contributors.

I think it happens more often than it once did, and I've not been here a year yet.

  • Just bumping this up as it's pertinent at the moment.

    I hope that newer members don't leave.

    Ree left because of the arguments at this time and I still miss them.

    If things get too much for me here I become a hedgehog now and hibernate.

    I did leave once and considered it a few times before, including recently, but hibernation gives you time to think.

    This is an exceptionally good place to be most of the time.

  • I know personally Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) affects me a lot this time of the year, plus the Christmas thing seems to have started on Nov. 1st. This latest storm will blow over, I just hope it doesn’t take the new influx of people with it. Zen has the right idea, time-out.

  • I know personally Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) affects me a lot this time of the year, plus the Christmas thing seems to have started on Nov. 1st. This latest storm will blow over, I just hope it doesn’t take the new influx of people with it. Zen has the right idea, time-out.

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