Arguments on the forum

I don't know about others, but I'm getting a little concerned that the arguments will put off new members.

Quite often people join and then disappear quite quickly.

I've been involved in these myself on occasion, so I'm not innocent.

However, maybe the mods could create a section where these potentially contentious threads could be placed that had a heading like NSFW (a new one on me but it seems to be well known).

If a seemingly innocuous thread then turns into a constant argument, perhaps it could be moved to there.

It's sometimes interraction between older males and older females (or non binary etc) and comes down to very different relationship/*ex points of view but can of course stem from any subject and any set of contributors.

I think it happens more often than it once did, and I've not been here a year yet.

  • Rule 7 needs to be enforced.

  • rule 2: "This Community forum is public, so do not post personal or identifying details. This includes, but is not limited to, full names, addresses, contact details, social media, or photographs of yourself. (updated February 2020)"

    It is enforced?

  • This reply was deleted.
  • Agreed! I’m fed up with it.

  • Although did you realise you've posted enough info about yourself that you've been quite easy to identify?

    This is really threatening behaviour, talking about figuring out peoples real names to expose them. Mods seriously how is this sort of intimidation and bullying allowed? And its always the same people doing it and yet they always seem to be able to get away with it.

    Im serioulsy thinking of deleting my profile on here, this place has become so toxic, I find my mental health is much better if I avoid this forum now and I know a lot of other people on here feel the same

  • If you reflect on your behaviour and still find it to be the right course of action, why should you change it?

  • That’s a fair point but again that’s a question of how rules are enforced in general not one specific rule being ignored.

    I imagine the mods really don’t want to ban people even temporarily. But at the same time just locking threads doesn’t give you much leverage.

  • If the same posters repeat the same behaviour without reflecting on it, it hardly matters that a thread was locked. 

  • The moderation team encourage debates but if they get out of hand a gentle reminder of the Rules are given.

    If rules continue to be broken during debate the thread is locked.

  • That’s true but didn’t have mods also lock that thread?

  • You've very much skipped ahead to the hate speech there. There was literally a thread where women were being told that misogyny is a positive thing for women individually and society as a whole and feminism is bad. And maybe the people comparing gay pride events to a Nazi rally weren't being homophobic, but it certainly felt that way to me. 

  • hypothetically if you have figured out my full name you've done so by cross referencing a lot of individually non identifying facts about my background from loads of different posts. Which hardly counts.

    Mods may be overwhelmed but I think they are as overwhelmed by spurious reports, baseless accusations and personal vendettas as anything else.

  • I won't post your full name here, I'm just letting you know you've (accidentally, I assume) broken rule 2, since you brought up its enforcement.

    Racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia routinely appear on this forum. It's not a safe environment. Mods appear to be overwhelmed and respond days later by simply closing threads rather than deleting hate speech comments as they appear.

  • rule 7: "This is a hate-free zone for autistic people, their families and friends, and professionals working in the field. We do not permit sexism, homophobia, racism, anti-Semitism, religious intolerance, transphobia, disability hate speech, hate speech, obscenities or pornography to be posted or linked to here."

    There is a difference between hate speech and speech that you hate. These sorts of rules are terribly vague and subjective. Which is apparently why the I have a view of it that is very different from yours ... and apparently from the mods. I'm sure the mods are enforcing this rule as they see it.

    More to the point. did you just threaten to dox me?

  • rule 7: "This is a hate-free zone for autistic people, their families and friends, and professionals working in the field. We do not permit sexism, homophobia, racism, anti-Semitism, religious intolerance, transphobia, disability hate speech, hate speech, obscenities or pornography to be posted or linked to here."

    There is a difference between hate speech and speech that you hate. These sorts of rules are terribly vague and subjective. Which is apparently why the I have a view of it that is very different from yours ... and apparently from the mods. I'm sure the mods are enforcing this rule as they see it.

    More to the point. did you just threaten to dox me?

  • If you reflect on your behaviour and still find it to be the right course of action, why should you change it?

  • That’s a fair point but again that’s a question of how rules are enforced in general not one specific rule being ignored.

    I imagine the mods really don’t want to ban people even temporarily. But at the same time just locking threads doesn’t give you much leverage.

  • If the same posters repeat the same behaviour without reflecting on it, it hardly matters that a thread was locked. 

  • The moderation team encourage debates but if they get out of hand a gentle reminder of the Rules are given.

    If rules continue to be broken during debate the thread is locked.

  • That’s true but didn’t have mods also lock that thread?

  • You've very much skipped ahead to the hate speech there. There was literally a thread where women were being told that misogyny is a positive thing for women individually and society as a whole and feminism is bad. And maybe the people comparing gay pride events to a Nazi rally weren't being homophobic, but it certainly felt that way to me. 

  • hypothetically if you have figured out my full name you've done so by cross referencing a lot of individually non identifying facts about my background from loads of different posts. Which hardly counts.

    Mods may be overwhelmed but I think they are as overwhelmed by spurious reports, baseless accusations and personal vendettas as anything else.

  • I won't post your full name here, I'm just letting you know you've (accidentally, I assume) broken rule 2, since you brought up its enforcement.

    Racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia routinely appear on this forum. It's not a safe environment. Mods appear to be overwhelmed and respond days later by simply closing threads rather than deleting hate speech comments as they appear.