Avoiding Hugs

Hi All,

I'm newly diagnosed with Autism. One thing that has come up a few times in my thoughts is I can now kind of avoid hugs with people I don't know very well (to be honest that feels like most people I see on a regular basis!)

I used to go along with it if someone initiated it even though I hated it but now I don't think I need to anymore. Does anyone have a way of avoiding hugs causing as little fuss as possible as I've noticed people seem to get offended if you don't want them touching you.

Sorry, I'm sure there's no right answer I'm just looking for tips / how others do it.


  • Hi,

    Stand back a bit and look awkward and uncomfortable, I guess that just comes naturally, I don't know but I've avoided hugs like that by just hanging back. 

    The thing I absolutely hate but luckily it doesn't happen very often is the continental kiss, not sure if its actually called that but that thing at family occasions where someone you know approaches you and does that kind of kiss/hug thing, I'm never quite sure what to do, is it a hug/cheek kiss as in actually kissing their cheek or an air kiss near their cheek? Ugh *shudder* I never quite know what to do in that situation so it always feels very awkward.

  • Stand back a bit and look awkward and uncomfortable

    Yep, got that one down as my go to approach at the moment too! Think that could be the first step then I'll just say something if they are still going for the hug! 

    It is a tough one as its the first thing some people do when meeting you and it's therefore kind of always set up for me to fail a social interaction, or at least put a person off a bit straight away!

  • Stand back a bit and look awkward and uncomfortable

    Yep, got that one down as my go to approach at the moment too! Think that could be the first step then I'll just say something if they are still going for the hug! 

    It is a tough one as its the first thing some people do when meeting you and it's therefore kind of always set up for me to fail a social interaction, or at least put a person off a bit straight away!

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