
Hello all, I have a daughter who I think has Autism and/or ADHD. We've got through some very tough situations with self harm starting six years ago. The whole experience was an utter nightmare but although things are much better than they were we're kind of stuck now. I'd truly appreciate some help/feedback/ideas from someone who's experienced and has solved this problem. Can someone help me?

  • I am not at all qualified to answer this except that I am autistic and also self harm. My question to you is, is she self harminging to injure herself. In which case connection to like minded humans and mental health professional may help. Or, is she self harming to regulate overwhelm. For a lot of years I hurt myself without being able to explain why. I now know what my sensory triggers are and can manage them better. I also use a shakti mat to regulate my nerviouse system. Even as a reset before bed something like this may help her break the habit to injure herself. 

  • A point about professionals in this field, it seems to me all the incentive structures are wrong, there's an incentive to keep having therapy sessions, not to get closure.

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