Sensory adventures

Do you enjoy stimulating one of your senses more than other ones?. Which one and how do you do that?

I enjoy tasting things. As a child I remember tasting soil and mixing it with chocolate and biscuits ext. As an adult I'd taste almost anything, it could be leaves or round colourful things from the trees, flowers, wood or chemicals. If it's possibly dangerous or not chewable, then I'd give it at least a lick. Tasting is such an adventure for me that I really enjoy. I remember it was one of the best parts of visiting the botanical garden.

Please share with me your sensory adventures Smiley

  • Possibly sound for me also. The audio world has given me so much, and sometimes you hear something so sublime it transports you to a place of all other sensations anyway. Though I’d certainly miss any of my senses if I lost one. Maybe the liminal zone where no one sense alone can account what you’re feeling is where the most transcendent experiences lie? 

  • Sounds great. I'd say that for sounds I also prefer "nothing" hehe silence generally is my favourite sound but the sound of sea waves, rain or leaves of trees when it's windy are just amazing and extremely calming.

    Having headphones when out? Can they actually make a sound loud enough cover the loudness of city streets ? I tried that and then I realised that I should listen to very loud music/sounds to cover the noise of engines everywhere, so loud that it would make me angry Smiley so it didn't work for me 

  • Sounds for me. I can listen to instrumental music, listen to rain falling, trains going along the tracks.

    They give me a joyful tingle that makes me feel amazing and happy.

    I'll normally have my headphones in, even when I'm out, and I'll be listening to something that is both calming and joyful to me.

  • I'm not sure about the name either of this sense but those two things, although I don't do them often, are very great to lift my spirit when I'm not sure how to lift it hehe

  • Sounds very relaxing indeed :). When it comes to smells, I prefer to smell nothing at all Smiley although the smells of nature and herbs sound amazing. The smell of the sea water, soil after rain and a bakery are few of my favourites!

  • Could it be feel as well? Sensation of feeling as you dance around. I'm the same, very dancy enjoy hopping around. Nurses say it's a sign of happiness.

  • I'm not sure exactly which sense it comes under, maybe vestibular or proprioception, but I love dancing and stretching the most.  It just makes me feel joyful and alive.

  • This is a nice thread Blush

    It's smell for me.

    So, my very favourite plants are herbs and I grow a lot of them.

    I'm always rubbing them for the intense aroma.

    I grow unusual types of thyme and mint for the smell (and the mint moths).

    I love walking through rose gardens when the roses are in full bloom.

    The old fashioned roses are the best (Mottisfont rose garden is a favourite).

    I wear perfume every day and that gives me a lift.

    I also love aromatherapy and put essential lavender oil in the bath and on my pillow.
