How are you repetitive?

I'm repetitive in the following ways

I wear the same clothes (bought extra of everything).

I wash my hands every ten minutes, to the dot. Never a minute early never a minute late. Started this at school.

I can watch the same film over and over. I know most of the lines, know what's coming but I never get tired of it.

Listen to the same songs and singers every day, usually in the same order.

Read the same books over and over.

Eat the same foods and drink the same drinks.

When I go for a walk I always go the same way each time. Prefer to follow route that I'm familiar with.

  • Very interesting thread. I am chaotic and can't cope with routine, but way more so than any NT that I know. I cannot do getting up at the same time, to get the same train, to the same work, to come home at the same time, to eat at the same time, to go to bed at the same time with the same routines. Both my mind and body rebel and after a few days of trying, I get stressed and overwhelmed. I like new foods and hate rereading books or seeing a film repeat.

    Maybe I am also dyspraxic (developmental coordination disorder) as well as autistic? - that would certainly account for my lack of time management, planning and personal organisation skills. I have a reputation for always being late.

  • Very interesting thread. I am chaotic and can't cope with routine, but way more so than any NT that I know. I cannot do getting up at the same time, to get the same train, to the same work, to come home at the same time, to eat at the same time, to go to bed at the same time with the same routines. Both my mind and body rebel and after a few days of trying, I get stressed and overwhelmed. I like new foods and hate rereading books or seeing a film repeat.

    Maybe I am also dyspraxic (developmental coordination disorder) as well as autistic? - that would certainly account for my lack of time management, planning and personal organisation skills. I have a reputation for always being late.

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