Autistic Inertia (problems with switching task) tips?

Hello again!

I have recently learned about autistic inertia thanks to Pete Wharmby's book Un-typicaI and have realised this is something I really struggle with but hadn't really given it any thought, until now.

Very briefly Autistic inertia, for anyone who doesn't know, is a difficulty switching tasks (even if you want to). Here's some light further reading -

The example Pete gave in his book so perfectly encapsulated my experience, reading a book but wanting a cup of tea. In this example, I can see myself getting up, making the tea, and then sitting and enjoying the tea while I continue to read. I am happy to get up and make the tea but I just...don't. I want to but something blocks me from switching my focus from reading to getting up and making tea.

Of course, this is just one example that doesn't have any major ramifications but it does impact other areas of my life. I wondered whether anyone had any tips or tricks for getting through this? If you also experience this, how do you switch tasks effectively?

  • Thank you for filling in another piece of the puzzle. The cup of tea example is spot on. If I do eventually make the cup of tea, it is never drunk. I’m too focused on the main task and divert at the same time to do another ten minor tasks that have caught my eye. The cup of tea is eventually found in the microwave after I have already reheated it twice. The autistic side of my brain needs order and to hyper focus, the ADHD side is thinking about everything else on the planet. I find by the evening I am exhausted.

  • Thank you for filling in another piece of the puzzle. The cup of tea example is spot on. If I do eventually make the cup of tea, it is never drunk. I’m too focused on the main task and divert at the same time to do another ten minor tasks that have caught my eye. The cup of tea is eventually found in the microwave after I have already reheated it twice. The autistic side of my brain needs order and to hyper focus, the ADHD side is thinking about everything else on the planet. I find by the evening I am exhausted.

  • never use an old fashioned kettle.I used to boil the same water so often before I'd manage to end up with a tea. A instant hot water machine is the way to go.I'm on my third tefal quickcup.. (I now know a small spring breaks, if you habitually let 'em run dry, so one day when I get a small bag of stainless steel springs I'll have three working ones again...

    Not only is the tea making process continuous with no waiting involved, the finished tea isn't so hot that it scalds you on your first attempt to drink it. I.E. it doesn't always get forgotten, before you get some joy out of it. 

    Quickup changed my life for the better. I don't know if they still make them.

  • I have a thermos for this exact reason - my tea usually goes cold otherwise!! I found a nice one with a ceramic lining which keeps it at drinking temperature for a couple of hours. 

    On good days, I manage all this well. On bad days I'm exhausted and have not previously had the words or understanding to really explain why.