Help with writing.

Autistic is I. And I fail badly when trying to write any sort of prose. That's prose as in writing, not some sort of prototype rose.

Anyway....I'm not looking for an app! But am looking for some sort of structured help with writing English text. I'm constantly rearranging sentences. I take things literally. Really literary, not just like the kids say. I have no idea about tenses. And am useless without a spell checker. I also add parts at the start and end of the sentence. Not a very useful autistic super power, but that's the one I've got.

For example:  The cat sat on the mat which was sat on by the cat.  Naturally, this is frustrating and adding further complexity to something that already is a very difficult thing (for me) to do. 

I'm looking for some sort of tool kit to help out.  I downloaded the entire internet and there doesn't appear to be much in the way of help for adults with autism with this matter.

Answers on a postcard, please...

  • You might find that reading what you have written out loud is helpful. It helps to differentiate what you have actually written from what you meant to write. Also remembering that English is a 'subject, verb, object' (SVO) language could be useful - subject 'The cat', verb 'sat on', object 'the mat - if you can analyse each sentence for these features, it will help eliminate redundant phrases.

  • Grammarly is barrier for me. I wanna write how I write.

    I also don't take writing suggestions from paperclips. Smiley Paperclip

  • I do the same.  We think very carefully about how to sum up our thoughts for others and we are quite perfectionist about it, I think.

    Rest assured your post read well though.

  • I'm not dyslexic. Although my test results were unclear and got referred to the board for further investigation... Which was then deemed to be not dyslexic.

    It takes me ages to compose any text. I can happily lose an hour trying to write a simple email and not know it.

  • I think Grammarly does that kind of thing.

  • I'm afraid I've no ideas about an app or anything, but you output here looks pretty good to me and I used to tutor autistic and dyslexic kids for English exams.  How long did it take you to compose?

    You mention the spelling - are you or could you be dyslexic?  The British Dyslexia Association might be helpful.

    It's astounding how many autistic people are also dyslexic.  I am too.