I have Asperger’s syndrome; therefore I’m not allowed to play netball

Unless it’s because I’m male or something. I certainly seem to have been discriminated against.

In 2019, people made false accusations about me and got me kicked out of a netball club in Stirling.

I tried to find another netball club, but the netball clubs I contacted were all reluctant to tell me anything about themselves, and when I asked further questions about them they just stopped replying or whatever. I also contacted the netball club in Stirling about rejoining, because their constitution says I can ask to rejoin at the next general meeting. They ignored me.

I contacted Netball Scotland, and asked them to investigate why I was being treated the way I was by these 4 netball clubs, and was told they’d investigate it.

I turned up at 1 of the netball clubs (they’d told me they weren’t playing because of the Covid 19 pandemic, and they’d tell me when they started playing again, but never did tell me), and played netball with them anyway. I literally only played there 6 times before they found an excuse to get me suspended by Netball Scotland!

In September 2022, I had the police at my flat, saying that I’d contacted someone at netball saying I need some new friends, and asking me not to contact her again. Then the next day, I got an e-mail saying I’d been suspended from Netball Scotland. They didn’t even say anything about why!

Eventually I found out that the reason I was suspended was, among other things, that I’d allegedly “communicated with a club member, Christina [surname removed by mod], that was uninvited and persistent which placed her in a state of fear and alarm”. I’d sent her 1 message on facebook, she’d replied, and then I replied to her message; and I’d only asked perfectly normal things like “How long have you been playing netball?” and “Where do you live?”

1 of the other reasons for the suspension was that I’d chased Natalie up about her investigation about netball clubs not wanting me to join. I’d supposedly failed to show her respect.

This post’s getting a bit long, so to cut a long story short, I had a hearing in March 2023 about it. And all the complaints against me were upheld, and I’ve been suspended by Netball Scotland for 5 years!

They haven’t answered any of my questions such as “What’s wrong with being friendly?” or “What’s wrong with doing to others what I would have them do to me?” or “What’s wrong with asking Natalie to do her job?”.

What happened at Stirling was brought up to demonstrate a “pattern of behaviour”, but nobody even told me what this pattern of behaviour was. The accusations there were completely different.

I’d put a complaint in about Natalie not having done anything about her investigation. Is this the real reason I’ve been suspended?

Oh 2 other questions that have never been answered are “Would I have had the same reaction to contacting Christina if I was a woman?” and “Would I have had the same reaction to contacting Christina if I didn’t have Asperger’s syndrome?”

So I seem to have been discriminated against.

  • if you was a woman the other person would be suspended instead.

    the woman probably made false accusations against you and made everyone take her side and believe her #believeallwomen lol

  • Hi,

    This is a reminder of  our rule 5. We do not allow sexism on the online community.

    You can read our rules in full here https://community.autism.org.uk/p/rules 

    If you have any questions about this, please contact our moderation team at  community.moderators@nas.org.uk 

    Kind regards,

    Clare Mod

  • Some of the members of this forum could do with referral to Prevent. I keep expecting to turn on the TV and see another incel shooting by a member here.

  • Rule Reminder Rule 5 -Be nice to one another and enjoy chatting with others. We encourage conversation and respectful debate; please be aware that individuals may give opinions which are not shared by other members. Insulting posts or comments making personal jibes will not be tolerated.  

  • lmao scientific method? ....tell me the scientific method of it then. 
    it sounds like a meme joke now as that term gets used alot in mockery so im not sure whether its a joke or not now lol

  • Well, not all debates are worth debating I guess. Specially those that trigger our pain the most. I'm relatively new to the forum and I've figured out here that it's more than just a group a autistic people who gather to talk about their shared struggles. It's sometimes an exposure to people whom we don't want to run across or debates that I find so unworthy. i think that in my social bubble in real life I've never had to have a debate on a such low level. This is a waste of time and nerves.

  • Incels aren't a threat to anyone. Extreme ideologies are a threat to everyone. Some incels do have extreme ideologies and believe that violence is the way to change things. I do find that threating to all of us, not only to women. 

  • Everything you have stated in this post is incorrect, but I don't think you have the intellectual capacity to understand the scientific method and the difference between reliable and unreliable sources.

    I'm sorry that your intellectual disability has been exploited in a way that's likely to shorten your life.

  • well considering i have alot of experience in fitness and dietry matters i can tell you your wrong about plant only diets.... you need a balanced diet, going plant only is dangerous and it is like the atkins diet which also caused harm.

    a plant only diet doesnt get you the nutrients you need and full vegans require supplements. thats not health as your diet alone should provide all nutrients without need of supplement.

    also we are not evolved to eat plants.... the correct natural human diet is ... i forgot what its called but its like a caveman diet, it contains meat and nuts and things you forage. that is often the diet you get made to eat when you develope bowel issues.

    speaking of bowel issues people on plant only diet get irritable bowel syndrome and leaky gut syndrome due to the plants containing irritants and defensive measures that target the guts of anything that eats them. mice are the most evolved to eat these things but even they suffer from them. humans are least evolved to eat them.

    ecomomically globally speak a ballance diet across all sectors is the best to avoid famine. if you had a plant based only world... well we saw this year crops failing due to the climate and a inability for stores to provide fruit or veg well enough, this year if we had a plant only world wed have seen a famine in which a few billion would have died.

    so all in all i think more thought is required on this. and seriously our govs and suppliers need to think on this too for the last reasons as they could end up plunging humanity into a mistake on the levels the british empire used to make which caused famines. but worse. much worse.

  • If feminist were truly that concerned about the incel ‘threat’ they could remove them from the earth overnight by simply bonking them out of existence.

    Prevent rape, say yes? I think I'm going to throw up.

    The funny thing about incels is that their celibacy isn't really involuntary. They could solve their own problem overnight by having sex with each other. To which their response is usually "but I don't want to have sex with people I don't find attractive." Well, neither do the rest of us. It's not reasonable to ask us to do that for you when you're not willing to do it yourselves.

  • people who eat more plants live longer.

    I've been wondering this for a while, do you have an intellectual disability comordid to autism? I know it's quite common. Is there something we can do to help slow these discussions down or use simpler language so you find them easier to follow?

  • You genuinely don't see the difference between hating someone and not wanting to invade their body with your own? That's concerning.

  • it likely never will too because the human body still hasnt adapted to normalise digesting plant based food yet and we have been eating plant foods for a while now but its still toxic to our guts lol

  • well in terms of passing on your genes it only really matters how you perform in your fertile years. People who, 'potato' in middle age it won't effect their ability to reproduce too much if they typically find a partner before then. For like > 90% of human history we have battled with food scarcity so human bodies are mostly genetically tuned to put on weight if you always eat till you're not hungry. Because prior to industrial farming everyone went hungry now and then and having enough fat to survive that was important. The human gene pool just hasn't adjusted to a post food scarcity society.

  • This reply was deleted.
  • Those who actually self define as incels it’s the exact opposite. they strongly define themselves as wanting to have sex and they’re very bitter that they’re not able to get any.

    The incel community is actually incredibly small but it’s defining feature is it it is composed of people who want sex and aren’t getting any. And They are very vocal about it. And Incel would probably say that the world / society is set up to cut certain types of men out of the sexual hooking up pool.

    I guess the defining feature would be a feeling of unfairness that the rules of the game are stacked against them. And to be frank that’s not necessarily totally untrue is it. I’m sure there are people in society who, because of things that are beyond their control, are simply unattractive to the opposite sex. I mean if you were born with a bum where your face should be you probably aren’t going to be Casanova are you?

    But that resentment towards society and to some extent towards the woman who have rejected them is seen as misogynistic by some, in some cases in fact it may be.

    but to sum up, Incels are marked out by this almost fatalistic outlook on their own sex lives

    • that they are completely unable to do anything to acquire a sex life of any sort,
    • that the power over their sex life lies in the hands of others to be specific Women
    • that sex is something that they desire even perhaps need to have a normal life,
    • and that society especially the women in society are responsible for the situation.

    this is a part that I personally find quite ironic about self defined feminists who see incels as a threat to women. The incel community is tiny. There are more feminists than Incels. There are more sex positive feminists having casual sex than incels. If feminist were truly that concerned about the incel ‘threat’ they could remove them from the earth overnight by simply bonking them out of existence.

  • i dont get how a so called mysogynist would be a incel though.

    as i said a misogynist is more a hatred of women, and when you think of it a man who hates women would more likely actually be gay as you cant really have a sexual attraction to a entire gender that you so called hate, therefore if a misogynist who hates all women had a sexuality it wouldnt be incel... it would most likely be gay... or asexual perhaps, but if one hates women they wouldnt be sexually attracted to them to actually count as a incel as they wouldnt want sex with those they supposedly hate.

    a incel would more likely be the simp that jumps in to womens defence on anything, the white knight looking for any opportunity to be awarded sexual favour for doing or saying whatever the woman wants. the simp would likely also be the incel. therefore a incel would more likely be the type to be the polar opposite of a misogynist and would be pleasant to women always trying to please them and take their side... but theyd be creepy and clingy and thats why theyd never get what they want...

  • but wouldnt all incels make the excuse and say they dont wish to have sex when they really actually do? lol

  • Except these days it’s not really used as a self descriptor anymore. It’s used as  a slur against people other people don’t like. There are far more people called incels who don’t call themselves incels than self defined incels at this point.

    Incel is another term that’s been adopted by pseudo feminists as a catch all hate term for men they don’t like, which seems to be most men. It sits alongside terms like a f*ck boy as a quick and easy dismissive way to address men that don’t fit into their pseudo utopian worldview without having to think too deeply about what men actually get out of society these days.

  • Except these days it’s not really used as a self descriptor anymore. It’s used as  a slur against people other people don’t like. There are far more people called incels who don’t call themselves incels than self defined incels at this point.

    Incel is another term that’s been adopted by pseudo feminists as a catch all hate term for men they don’t like, which seems to be most men. It sits alongside terms like a f*ck boy as a quick and easy dismissive way to address men that don’t fit into their pseudo utopian worldview without having to think too deeply about what men actually get out of society these days.

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