
I was brought up to believe that we are divided socially into classes:

1.  Working class.

2.  Middle class.

3.  Aristocracy.

I also read decades ago that classes were less relevant and were disappearing.

I'm curious as to what others think so here are some questions:

1.  What class were you born into?

2.  What class are you now?

3.  Do you believe in 1 and 2?

4.  ie Do you think class exists?

5.  Do you think you can move class?

Also, without Googlerating, I'd be curious as to how these classes are defined.

I've tended to think of them as not only to do with our financial situation, but also to do with tastes, interests and education.

With regard to me, I was born working class and ?probably? still am.

  • 1. Working class (but parents now middle class)

    2. Working class (but have middle class tastes, I think mentally I feel middle class but financially I am working class)

    3. Unfortunately yes

    4. Yes. Though I do think it’s based heavily around finance, if you have money you can afford to live better, live in better areas, afford a better education, and likely to mix with other middle class)

    5. Yes I think people can. For me not so much. I’m too old now for my life to change drastically financially.

    But, I wish there were no classes. We’re all human. I hate the way there is such a huge divide. In a perfect world (for me) everyone would have the same piece of land, the same financial situation etc. 

  • Working class (but have middle class tastes, I think mentally I feel middle class

    I think that's a bit similar to me, which is why I'm unsure about myself.

    In a perfect world (for me) everyone would have the same piece of land, the same financial situation etc. 

    I think that's similar to Communism, + very dissimilar to Capitalism (please correct me if I'm wrong).

    It's how I used to think as a young idealist but as I've grown older I'm more realistic/cynical.

    Human nature doesn't allow for it and Communism in actuality (rather than as an ideal) tends to be very controlling.

    Thanks for this.

    Food for thought.

  • I have a huge distaste for all politics (I can’t remember if it’s a rule here we can’t discus this). As much as I have a huge dislike for inequality. The entire government needs to be taken down, they have absolutely no interest in the working class or any idea of the kind of lives we lead (nor do they care). The only time I became interested was when Jeremy Corbyn was up for election, and it’s the only time I have voted in my entire life. He gave me hope. It was clearly turned into a hate campaign by the tories to dirty his name.

    Whether it’s unrealistic or not, my perfect life (please note the my) would be everyone to be equal, for there to be no such thing as money and for people to trade skills/food etc. There is enough food and land for everyone to live a good life. There shouldn’t be any reason for anyone to be homeless or hungry. There shouldn’t be any reason for one person to look down on another due to their assets and finances. I know realistically this cannot work, but it would be nice if it did. The world is incredibly unfair, and the way it is right now simply does not work - not if you want to include everyone and not just the fat cats at the top in charge of everything. 

  • I have a huge distaste for all politics (I can’t remember if it’s a rule here we can’t discus this). As much as I have a huge dislike for inequality. The entire government needs to be taken down, they have absolutely no interest in the working class or any idea of the kind of lives we lead (nor do they care). The only time I became interested was when Jeremy Corbyn was up for election, and it’s the only time I have voted in my entire life. He gave me hope. It was clearly turned into a hate campaign by the tories to dirty his name.

    Whether it’s unrealistic or not, my perfect life (please note the my) would be everyone to be equal, for there to be no such thing as money and for people to trade skills/food etc. There is enough food and land for everyone to live a good life. There shouldn’t be any reason for anyone to be homeless or hungry. There shouldn’t be any reason for one person to look down on another due to their assets and finances. I know realistically this cannot work, but it would be nice if it did. The world is incredibly unfair, and the way it is right now simply does not work - not if you want to include everyone and not just the fat cats at the top in charge of everything. 

  • I wouldn’t vote for them now. They’re basically tories in disguise. I can’t stand Kier Starmer. 

    Anyway I’m going to respectfully step away from this thread, I don’t know enough to contribute anything of any worth. I just know how I’d like life to be for me Joy 

  • The entire government needs to be taken down, they have absolutely no interest in the working class or any idea of the kind of lives we lead (nor do they care)

    Of course, politics can be aligned to class too (although that's not so distinct an alignment).

    I've voted Labour all my life and do vote in each General Election and although I think Labour are more 'caring'  (it would be hard not to be) I tend to always feel (to a degree) let down by them once they are in power.

    for people to trade skills/food etc.

    That's what (some) people did in the distant past.