Urge to infodump

Does anyone else feel the urge to infodump when they are in social situations? For example, tonight I went to a lovely raclette evening with some people from my church and a few people were wondering where raclette cheese came from and I just felt the urge to spend 20 minutes explaining all about how it was from Switzerland and all about Swiss food and how it relates to Swiss culture. 

Then someone else started talking about visiting Argentina and I felt the urge to spend 20 minutes discussing Juan and Eva Peron and the history of Argentina.

 I have learned from past experience that infodumping like this does not tend to be socially acceptable so I stopped myself from doing it but just wondered if anyone else feels the need to do this sometimes, especially in social situations 

  • Does anyone else feel the urge to infodump when they are in social situations?

    Yes absolutely! I am sorry you stopped yourself from doing this when you just wanted to share your passion and knowledge . Our passions, knowledge and enthusiasm should be embraced not disregarded as ‘socially unacceptable ‘ just because info dumping is not part of the predominant communication style .

    I don’t know much about Argentina or Switzerland, so feel free to info dump here! I very much look forward to learning more about your dedicated interests!

  • Thank you! Argentina is a facinating country, Im especially interested in Juan and Eva Peron. I'm reading a biography of Eva Peron at the moment, she was an incredible woman. She came from poverty and ended up the first lady of Argentina but she never forgot other people in need. She had a foundation where people would come to her day and night for help and support. Its said she often used to only sleep 3 hours a night because she spent so much time in her foundation helping people

    Switzerland is a really interesting place. Its very contradictory, a lot of rules but also a lot of freedom. There is actually towns called Emmentaller and Gruyeres where the cheese comes from! Apparently in Gruyeres the whole town is either cheese shops or resturaunts and bars sellling cheese dishes, sounds perfect to me. They have a really outdoor lifestyle as well which I admire

    I think I would have said a bit more last night but it was my first time hanging out with these people so I was very nervous 

  • Switzerland is a really interesting place. Its very contradictory, a lot of rules but also a lot of freedom. There is actually towns called Emmentaller and Gruyeres where the cheese comes from! Apparently in Gruyeres the whole town is either cheese shops or resturaunts and bars sellling cheese dishes, sounds perfect to me. They have a really outdoor lifestyle as well which I admire

    Cool! You are obviously very knowledgeable about cheese and Switzerland. I assume cheese is like a national dish in Switzerland.

    Do you like cheese? You say you like the outdoor lifestyle, would you like to live in Switzerland? I am sure you would soak up the culture!

  • Switzerland is a really interesting place. Its very contradictory, a lot of rules but also a lot of freedom. There is actually towns called Emmentaller and Gruyeres where the cheese comes from! Apparently in Gruyeres the whole town is either cheese shops or resturaunts and bars sellling cheese dishes, sounds perfect to me. They have a really outdoor lifestyle as well which I admire

    Cool! You are obviously very knowledgeable about cheese and Switzerland. I assume cheese is like a national dish in Switzerland.

    Do you like cheese? You say you like the outdoor lifestyle, would you like to live in Switzerland? I am sure you would soak up the culture!

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