Over sensitive spam filter causing posts to be reported/removed

I've noticed on the forum people are becoming concerned about posts being reported, removed, moderated etc.

I've personally experienced a couple of weeks of this and then the whole weekend being unable to post and then a pop up saying that ALL my posts were being moderated.

After the weekend I was told by the mods that this is a technical issue with an 'oversensitive spam filter'.

If you receive these notices, I suggest you reply, as, as far as I know, our posts aren't automatically reinstated without our appeal.

Obviously some posts could be reported for 'abuse' but if you have posted something uncontroversial and it has been removed, it's likely to be this technical error.

  • I've noticed my thread on the lack of dating services for autistic people has mysteriously disapeared from the board. So I found it through my history and the link took me to the thread. Tried to post in it only to be told my post was spam. So it seems threads are now getting shadow banned. Removed from the boards list, new posts auto flagged as spam, but not officially deleated or locked. So to appeal you have to find the thread. Make a post, them appeal that post as not spam.

  • I've noticed my thread on the lack of dating services for autistic people has mysteriously disapeared from the board. So I found it through my history and the link took me to the thread. Tried to post in it only to be told my post was spam. So it seems threads are now getting shadow banned. Removed from the boards list, new posts auto flagged as spam, but not officially deleated or locked. So to appeal you have to find the thread. Make a post, them appeal that post as not spam.

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