Autistic fatigue?

Hello im new here, my name is Gareth, 41 years old, I was diagnosed in 2020 just before pandemic hit. Fun times. Grinning

Every few months I have been hitting a wall in terms of energy levels, I enjoy working out as part of my routine and when these energy dips happen it can take a few weeks for them to return to normal.

Ive just heard about autistic fatigue and was wondering if anybody else has experience of this in regards to their energy levels?


  • There are some great articles about autism and autism fatigue written by an autistic woman on this site

  • Hi everyone 

    Fatigue tell me about it. Believe it or not I’m at my worst first thing in the morning. I don’t know if it’s because it’s a long day ahead and I’m over thinking it or if it’s from the day before. I can only compare it to trying to function with a hangover, not that I drink as my body can’t cope with it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I just feel panicked and exhausted but then miraculously if I’m super focused on something I’m fine. 


  • I share your concerns.  Humanity eh?  It was fun whilst it lasted. 

  • Hi Malojian.

    Artic Sink Holes (actually exploding land - leaving something that looks like a sink hole) is my latest dalliance with the depressing realities of the current world.

    I tend to deal in specifics of my own choosing = from which, I can form a "generalised" understanding of the world.  I piece it together myself, rather than trying to follow the prescriptive narrative presented beautifully and conveniently (for the Normies.)  The feedback loop of melting perma-frost is terrifying.

    I find myself understanding that a reasonably small Artic sink hole emits circa 10 tons of methane a day ie equivalent to 800 tonnes of CO2 per day (because methane has circa 80 times the global warming potential of CO2) - and a web page visit generally can considered to raise about 10grams of CO2 - but we do a lot of those as a species these days !

    With a mind like mine, and a resource like the "interweb thingy" it would be naive of me to think that I would cocoon myself in blissful ignorance whilst the world around me burns.

    What a happy train of thought for a Tuesday evening !


  • Yes same here. And I think I’m glad we didn’t have mobile phones etc until I was older - luckily my kids managed to have most of their childhood before then too. 

  • Anxiety meds can definitely make you feel more tired than usual- I'm on a low dose of amitriptyline at the moment for chronic pain and when it starts working I pretty much just fall asleep right away.

  • We are certainly cut from the same cloth then.

  • You make interesting observations, definitely easier during lockdown. 

    I have wondered why I suffer more fatigue than I think I used to, although did not know I was autistic then. I had use of the internet and smart phone quite late on and I grew up during a time where the pace of life was slower.

  • Me too.  I find myself "needing to know" about what is going on in the world.....depressing and overwhelming or otherwise.  I'm sure it isn't good for me - but that is just how I am.

  • This is definitely great advice that i wish i could follow.  I think it's too late for me to change personalities though unfortunately.  I've been interested in the wider world since i was teenager.  Maybe i just need to cultivate something else to focus on.  New special interests etc.  This is undoubtedly the case.  Also i think Autistic people just struggle with balance,

  • I'm experiencing this today ZzzZzzSleeping 

    I hope you're feeling less fatigued today. Heart

  • Hello 85361 - I am Number.  Good to meet you.  You are very welcome here and I hope to see you on the pages for a while......there are lots of "yous" in this place.....and yet none.

  • I usually sleep longer than twelve hours after exhaustion.

    I'm currently at my friend's house - staying overnight, tonight, as my electricity will be off tomorrow for essential maintenance - and his brother is sleeping in the spare room; possibly until the evening time. I had some Autistic Fatigue after driving him to Draperstown, and back, on a dodgy road with blind hairpins; a truck was behind me, too.

  • It's kind of nice knowing I'm not going mad

    Gareth, I think you missed the word "alone" off the end of this sentence ?!? 

    You raised an interesting thread - thank you.

  • Thank you all so much for the replies. It's kind of nice knowing I'm not going mad, from this point on I'm going to limit my physical exercise and allow my body and mind enough energy to function as it needs. I'm also on medication for anxiety which maybe plays a part too.

    Thanks again.

  • Sorry to hear this, I usually have real bad fatigue after a burnout, the past few weeks I have been very emotional, overloaded with sense, lots going on, and found myself sleeping more than I usually do. I had a huge burnout and meltdown on Monday, and yesterday I was knackered. I was asleep by 8pm and slept right through til 9am this morning. My partner asked me this morning and I tried to explain why I went to bed so early but it’s hard to explain what a burnout is like and the fatigue that comes with and follows. Just lots of rest, water and music helps me but is a quick fix, need to find something longer term. 

  • ... possibly because I can do them at any time..

    That's an interesting point.....that makes me think.

  • My trike has 2 rear wheels, so no zwift for me. My Dad made me a roller for it, but it is heavy going as there is a lot of weight through the back so it is a bit like cycling through mud. I think it needs a stand so the weight is not on the rollers quite so much. Might be easier with road tyres instead of knobblies too! But when I ride outside I prefer to go off road.

    I would like to be able to do a different form of exercise so different muscles get to do some work too though! I don't seem to have the right kind of discipline to make myself do x amount of situps etc a day... possibly because I can do them at any time... I think some kind of static machine might be good, but have no space for anything large.

  • I've thought this for a long time zoe and its caused me a lot of overthinking and sadness but I've turned it around a bit lately. We do have choices but sometimes life is so fast we don't see it

  • Hello you...........welcome.