Introvert or Extrovert?

Or do those terms not really apply to us as part of the autism diagnosis includes difficulties with communication?

A response on this forum prompted me to think: are you an extrovert then?

Most people here appear to be introverts - however, does this just go back to autism?

Years ago I did the Myers-Briggs test and I came out as an INFJ (Advocate).

I seem to remember this was the rarest profile and my autistic friend was the same.

A link below for anyone interested:

So, if there was a choice between actually meeting a real person in real life or just an image of their face on a computer screen, the screen would win hands down for me!

How do you perceive yourself and do you think the term is relevant as we are autistic?

  • Bo poster has it right, people can be different day to day, It's not conclusive, if it were everyone with the same 'scored' personality type would function and think exactly the same and they don't.

    There are far too many variables from the minute we are born for us to end up as 'textbook' types which is why we shouldn't take it too seriously, in fact, if you ever encounter a mental health professional who calls you a 'textbook' example, leave.

    For example, the type I came out as are apparently strong strategists and leaders, 'strategy' is one of my major 'deficits' and I could never be a leader.

    Don't believe everything you read.

  • So true.  It makes life very complicated for everyone - wanting to either believe, or disbelieve, what you are told about yourself by other people on any given day or occasion.  Your impression of me in real life could vary MASSIVELY depending on circumstance.  I love your last line -

    Don't believe everything you read.
  • So true.  It makes life very complicated for everyone - wanting to either believe, or disbelieve, what you are told about yourself by other people on any given day or occasion.  Your impression of me in real life could vary MASSIVELY depending on circumstance.  I love your last line -

    Don't believe everything you read.
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