Introvert or Extrovert?

Or do those terms not really apply to us as part of the autism diagnosis includes difficulties with communication?

A response on this forum prompted me to think: are you an extrovert then?

Most people here appear to be introverts - however, does this just go back to autism?

Years ago I did the Myers-Briggs test and I came out as an INFJ (Advocate).

I seem to remember this was the rarest profile and my autistic friend was the same.

A link below for anyone interested:

So, if there was a choice between actually meeting a real person in real life or just an image of their face on a computer screen, the screen would win hands down for me!

How do you perceive yourself and do you think the term is relevant as we are autistic?

  • Interesting stuff. I don’t know the link between MBTI personality and autism but here is an excerpt from an assignment I did a few years back if anyone’s interested:

    My completion of the MBTI assessment indicated that my most likely personality type was someone with introverted intuition with extraverted thinking (INTJ in the language of MBTI). This would suggest that I am likely to be an insightful and creative person who approaches problems from an objective and logical standpoint.  Furthermore, the assessment suggests that others see my logical side and not my intuition.  The analysis contained in the MBTI assessment booklet (Myers, Kirby and Myers, 2000) also lists areas for development for each personality type.  As I am a preferential intuitive and thinking person, I am likely to neglect the two opposing preferences, namely sensing and feeling.  In practical terms, it is suggested that this could lead to me not adequately considering the impact of my decisions on others, failing to give praise and developing an aloof and distant relationship with others.

  • Interesting stuff. I don’t know the link between MBTI personality and autism but here is an excerpt from an assignment I did a few years back if anyone’s interested:

    My completion of the MBTI assessment indicated that my most likely personality type was someone with introverted intuition with extraverted thinking (INTJ in the language of MBTI). This would suggest that I am likely to be an insightful and creative person who approaches problems from an objective and logical standpoint.  Furthermore, the assessment suggests that others see my logical side and not my intuition.  The analysis contained in the MBTI assessment booklet (Myers, Kirby and Myers, 2000) also lists areas for development for each personality type.  As I am a preferential intuitive and thinking person, I am likely to neglect the two opposing preferences, namely sensing and feeling.  In practical terms, it is suggested that this could lead to me not adequately considering the impact of my decisions on others, failing to give praise and developing an aloof and distant relationship with others.

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