How to start an Asperger’s group. Any advice?

Depending on how things go I’m either going to move soon or not. If not … well I already know there is nothing for high functioning autistic adults where I live. If I do move I’ll be in a new place and there is a good chance there will still be no social groups for high functioning autistic adults there either. Plus there will be no support network of family etc if I move.

so they say be the change you want to see. Can anyone advise me on the logistics of setting up a support / social group of high functioning autistic adults?

i imagine the big issues will be resources. Especially getting a venue and putting out PR. Has anyone done anything like this and could lend some pointers?

  • In my case there is no meet-up group in my area. The only Asperger’s/ high functioning specific group has been inactive since last year. I’ve been chasing the organisers but looks like it’s never coming back. I really do think the in person aspect is incredibly important. I find myself some what turned off by online events post pandemic.

  • I slightly disagree.

    It was a combo throwaway humorous quip and also a deep insight into the problem that you face when organising Autists. We aren't as simple as "provide a thing and they will come". That is a very practical consideration indeed.

    And you might find that "meetup" who certainly run a very enthusiastic group in my area, have it already covered in your area. Ours has zoom and face to face meetups and all sorts.

    But every week here I run a selected film for those who I imagine might enjoy such a brief diversion from partial or even total social isolation, if you get my drift.

    I thought I'd be swamped, but it has not been the case... 

  • … I appreciate you’re probably trying to add a bit of light hearted humour but that’s not very helpful on a practical level.

  • Respectfully no. I’m already in ‘a more inclusive group’ and it’s simply impossible for me to make meaningful connections with the others there.

  • Kind of understand what you want but Asperger and high functioning gives me a red flag straight away, so that seems more of an issue than a venue. Needs to be more inclusive.