How to start an Asperger’s group. Any advice?

Depending on how things go I’m either going to move soon or not. If not … well I already know there is nothing for high functioning autistic adults where I live. If I do move I’ll be in a new place and there is a good chance there will still be no social groups for high functioning autistic adults there either. Plus there will be no support network of family etc if I move.

so they say be the change you want to see. Can anyone advise me on the logistics of setting up a support / social group of high functioning autistic adults?

i imagine the big issues will be resources. Especially getting a venue and putting out PR. Has anyone done anything like this and could lend some pointers?

  • I did try to message you that information but you'd need to accept my friend request first

  • Zoom is a good media to share a film in...

  • Zoom, Teams or anything similar is horrific to me = another "environment" where I must learn a whole new set of acceptable behaviours and appropriate means through which to interact.....but without a whole range of feedback metrics.  It's not for me, for any purpose.

  • I did wonder ... it's just practically so much simpler but online will lack in some areas of social interaction. I get very anxious meeting people so for me online is preferable.

    All the best with this.

  • No offence but I find online a lot less … it’s just not something I click with.

  • I was wondering you had considered an online Teams or similar meet up with members here?

  • Do you mind me asking which city?

  • I live in a city next to a bigger city so that’s where I’d probably run events. Very much more social than anything else. And probably evenings for the people who work.

    but stuff like venues etc is exactly where my difficulty’s start.

  • I am trying an new experimental 19:30 (7:30PM) slot tomorrow (Sunday) evening.

    For any Trekkies who have missed seeing "Galaxy Quest"  before, this should be an enjoyable one..

  • All fair comments, well made.  I'll crawl back under my rock and mumble to myself some more.

    Good luck with the showing tomorrow (or is it tonight?)

  • I'm not a natural advertising guy. I try to keep bumping it up twice on a Saturday and Sunday.

    It might be dubious "kitch" film choices, but 1. I'm trying to "keep it light" so as to engage with as wide a rage of people as possible and 2. I judge a films suitability by it's audience reaction when I've watched it with an audience.

    These aren't just niche films, they are the best niche films I've come across in 40 years, so have some respect please, there's a plan.. If I just run what everyone has seen already, 

    As for the "advertising", just as with many of my activities here, there is an element of threading the needle required between making the service available and spamming... If anyone has any ideas how I can do it better, I'm all ears.  

    It's a bit of a PITA for me to deliver an ontime reliable service, and when like last week I let my O/H go to the pub quiz alone so I could do that, and no one showed up except my mate who helps me with the service delivery aspect, Well, we enjoyed ourselves, but I question whether I am doing the right thing wrong, or doing the wrong thing right..

  • I think your film night idea is a good one. Personally it's not for me, because I'm not comfortable with using things like zoom, the reason is I'm a bit of a technophobe and it makes me very anxious. And also because I don't really like films, I tend to wander off as I can't sit focused on something that is not of absolute interest to me.

    This is entirely my own flaws. Just wanted to let you know that the idea is a good one. Perhaps select a few films and do a vote, that may call in more interest. Just a thought though.

  • In terms of your film group, I for one never saw any advance warning / publicity nor flyers advertising your new institution.  The first I saw of it was a cryptic post.  I tell you this fyi....not a criticism, just a fact...if that was my experience, perhaps it was also the same for others?

    (I know what a sensitive flower you can be - but what the heck.....!). Another possible reason for low up-take might be dubious kitch film choices?!   When are you putting Rainman on?  Now that's a movie - devoid of any/all stereotyping.

  • Being completely free of social media is a choice I have freely made and remain committed to......but it does make my life far harder from an administrative perspective - and ever increasingly so.

  • If it was successful eventually you’d wish to spin out a charitable trust. With a members and guests system. Written constitution etc. But that’s down the line.

    in terms of activities I was thinking a vote with default option system. Organiser suggests a default option. Other individuals can write in any suggestion as a new option (subject to basic constraint like feasibility, legality etc). Online vote closes a week ahead of events.

    Probably necessary at some point to add additional rules to stop it being the same thing each time (thus annoying those who don’t like that thing).

    I think membership criteria would be self identifying as a person with an autistic spectrum condition of normal or above average intelligence. We don’t want to be like Mensa with IQ tests and we definitely don’t want to require people to have on paper diagnosis.

    the organisers of the former Asperger’s group near me (they do describe themselves that way) are  uncontactable. Believe me I have tried. I’ve tried their Facebook group, the official email, I even telephoned one of the trustees and they never picked up. Tbh I’m surprised it’s still listed on the charity commissions website 

  • I'd be interested but would want to know what the focus of the meetings would. Im not shy but find "free talking" difficult. Talking with a purpose is easier. Would it be to chat about autism difficulties, or is it more a social thing?  The one near me use Facebook to discuss what each meet up will entail to make it "democratic" but that excludes those of us not on social media.  So while stuff like Facebook reaches to a wider audience it doesn't capture everybody. How would you advertise it? They used to meet in a cafe for their venue. I'm sure there would be places you could use for free in the first instance. Some of the groups near me, which I don't feel would meet my needs anyway meet during the day. This is difficult if you are working. There are some local family friendly bars and pubs  near me which advertise clubs etc on their noticeboard.  I live near a major city but havent found much there either. Maybe if you held the group in the biggest town or city near to you that you can, you might get more people. I actually find it really difficult to find anything out without the socials but I'm sticking to my guns. 

    While i havent given any solutions, these are things I've come up against when looking for a group but I'm sure you have already factored in lots of these aspects anyway. 

  • Commonality, ease of communication and shared experience are undeniably important to successful and rewarding bonding with others.  This might be uncomfortable, but it is a fact.

  • Practical advice.

    Send me a PM saying what areas you could meet for a coffee.  No need to share bra sizes or what have you...just a vague geographical area.  I'm mobile and I travel.

    Send other people a PM as above.  Send as many as you dare.

    See what happens when you shake the tree - in my experience, somethings always fall out.

    I'm not a fan of group settings.  I think that is pretty universal for folk like me.....but one-on-one can be glorious - or horrific (obviously)....but from these pages, you can at least get an indication of what you might expect to encounter.

    ADVISORY - Wear a hard hat when shaking a tree!

  • OK, I get that you want to find a group of like minded people and think it's great that you've recognised there is nothing out there and are prepared to set something up.  I'd start by defining if not a mission statement, the aim/objective of the group, social and support can mean two different things (I get that having a social network/friends can be supportive). 

    I'd also think about how the group is going to be governed, is there membership, do you need terms of reference, how are you going to police the group and keep things respectful, what's the criteria for membership, are you going to let members decide what the activities etc. are, do you need a facilitator, will you need to charge or ask people to contribute to cover costs - all sorts of things.  Stressing me out just thinking about how to start organising it. 

    In your reply to I Sperg you mention that the last group is inactive, can you find out why?  Did the organisers move away? was it more effort than it was worth or was there a lack of interest?  Could save you a lot of bother or inform your strategy for setting up a new group.  They might be able to put something round asking people to get in touch with you if they are interested in forming a new group?

    Once I'd thought about all those things, I'd then be in a better position to think about venues and promoting the group. 

    If I was looking to join a group, I'd want to have a clear idea of what to expect, I wouldn't just turn up to a venue or pub with people I've never met without knowing that.  I think I would also be put off as might others, if you badged it Asperger/high functioning, so you could be further narrowing your target audience from people who aren't comfortable with those terms but may meet your membership criteria.