Forum creative space

I thought it might be nice to share our creativity.

Anything really, photography, art, writing etc etc.

Thanks to Steven for partly inspiring this thread.

Please include a visual description with any images to aid those of us with sight impairment.

Thank you.

I'll start:

  • I want to post some things here but it's not letting me post. I create a post with the image and text I want but when I hit reply nothing happens

  • it could be the size of the image. if  the image if its too big it wont send. sometimes taking a screenshot or reducing the size can help. 

  • Thank you.

     I've tried that, screenshot and cropping reduces it to 1.63mb which seems to still be too large as it still won't allow me to post. 

  • In windows ten the photo viewer they supply allows you several preset sizes to resize down to, the middle one works for here...

  • The chances of you having a samsung/android are probably slim. But just in case,..

    You go to the gallery and choose your photo.

    Click on edit (the little pen icon).

    Then click on the 3 dots in the top right.

    Click 'resize'.

    I choose about 40%.

    The important thing is not to click 'save', but to click the 3 dots again and choose 'save as copy' - otherwise your nice phone picture is replaced by the smaller one for good.

  • Thank you very much for taking time out of your holiday to reply 

  • I cant reply anymore cause I need to go now cause im on holiday and cause im on holiday I will wont be online until I get back I thought I would  take 5 minutes quickly cause im on a long car  journey and on the way with my family and will be there soon

    this is how I get arpund the problom you have you can use a converter to reduce  your images to 999 gb just add you photo then scroll down you will get an option to type whatever number of gb you want it will load for 5 minutes then  you press download and it will download it and save it to files and you can save to photo library then add it to the comment and it will send it

    this should help ypu solve the problom I hope it helps 

  • I know it has to be 72dpi but I have no idea how to reduce it to that. None of the editing options on my phone do it. There is no option to 'save as', and when I upload it to the site it does it straight away, not giving me an option to load it differently.

  • I know it has to be 72dpi but I have no idea how to reduce it to that. None of the editing options on my phone do it. There is no option to 'save as', and when I upload it to the site it does it straight away, not giving me an option to load it differently.

  • In windows ten the photo viewer they supply allows you several preset sizes to resize down to, the middle one works for here...

  • The chances of you having a samsung/android are probably slim. But just in case,..

    You go to the gallery and choose your photo.

    Click on edit (the little pen icon).

    Then click on the 3 dots in the top right.

    Click 'resize'.

    I choose about 40%.

    The important thing is not to click 'save', but to click the 3 dots again and choose 'save as copy' - otherwise your nice phone picture is replaced by the smaller one for good.