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Nimbus Access Card

Has anyone had any luck getting a nimbus access card to support them in getting out to places? I would like to apply but am too scared that they will say I don't qualify.

  • You probably could qualify. I managed to get one with the queuing symbol (often a trigger for my meltdowns can be crowds. I talked about how it can cause me psychological distress) and the +1 for essential companions - not sure if it's autism related or not, but I have really bad spatial awareness and have walked towards a moving car not seeing it, so I told them I need someone to safely get me to and from venues and to potentially recognise a meltdown before it happens. 

    £15 for 3 yrs but definitely worth it if you get thr +1 symbol. Places offer free or reduced cost companion tickets. For example, Glastonbury gives a free companion  ticket, so one trip to Glastonbury and its paid for itself multiple times. 

  • Hello, I've been thinking of applying for Nimbus and requesting +1 as I need support in social settings as I am often misunderstood and get really anxious.  I also get into difficult situations which I can find up making incorrect decision and getting into financial scrapes.  I've been put off as I don't claim PIP or benefit.  How did you evidence the need for +1. Thank you

  • Hiya, 

    Both my children have these cards, one has a diagnosis one does not. 

    For child with diagnosis, I sent diagnosis letter, dla and the form allows you to expand your answers a little. 

    For child without diagnosis, I explained her difficulties in social places, copy of her first assessment from school and that was enough. 

    The card has been very helpful for both children when out and about 

  • PIP award might be OK.  I am trying to get for my 15 year old DD and as we are stuck in waiting hell for DLA and she just received her diagnosis, they are being very restrictive about support.  I feel this card is becoming ubiquitous to access support out and about and now it's gatekeeping disability for the corporate sector. 

  • Hi I have been looking at applying for this card as well. So do you need to give more evidence than your diagnosis letter and PIP award letter? Sorry the website looks a bit confusing. 

Reply Children
  • PIP award might be OK.  I am trying to get for my 15 year old DD and as we are stuck in waiting hell for DLA and she just received her diagnosis, they are being very restrictive about support.  I feel this card is becoming ubiquitous to access support out and about and now it's gatekeeping disability for the corporate sector.