Who/what do you feel the most kinship/connection with?

Me (in order of importance):

1.  Animals (excluding humans).

2.  Nature (especially trees).

3.  People who are (I can't think of the correct word) : disenfranchised, marginalised, vulnerable, different, 'outsiders', come to mind.

4.  Some of the rest of human society.

What about you?

  • That's neat.

    I used to find all those faces overwhelming.

  • I love nature too, so calming!

    • Nature (countryside, trees, flowers, streams).
    • Animals (preferably furless ones because of asthma and allergies).
    • Some people (like you guys here) Grinning
  • Good question Thinking

    1. My mum.
    2. Birds. I love birds and have always wanted a pet parrot.
    3. Animals. If out walking I will happily stop and say hello to birds, sheep, cows, horses, etc. They don't expect anything more from me by way of conversation. Not so much dogs, I don't like it if they bark or try and jump up at me.
    4. Nature.
    5. Inanimate objects like my favourite cuddly toys.
    6. Fellow autistics.
    7. Fellow introverts.
    8. Fellow anxiety sufferers.
    9. Fellow hermits.
    10. The marginalised and mistreated in society.

    If I carried on the list might include some of the rest of human society eventually...

  • Definitely other autistics on such a deep level. I feel  a magnetic connection to my neurokin, I felt this before I even knew I was autistic. I can connect with other autistics in a way that is not possible with other neurotypes (you just ‘get it’) and that feels beautiful and so meaningful.

    People who are (I can't think of the correct word) : disenfranchised, marginalised, vulnerable, different, 'outsiders', come to mind.

    I also agree with this, I definitely feel I can connect with these people because they are often misunderstood like we as an autistic community are.

    I also feel like I can relate to non speaking people/ anyone who experiences communication differences regardless of reason because I understand how difficult/frustrating it can be to not be able to get your message across easily/be misunderstood. 

    To some extent I feel like I can relate to non speaking autistics with apraxia on a deep level because sometimes they seem to be more authentically autistic (no masking) and free. I love this it is beautiful! I would be great in a hypothetical world  if the majority of our community were safe enough to be authentically autistic too.

    Thanks for starting such a great discussion!

  • Your expansion on number three: I can relate. Authenticity and individuality are so crucial to me in terms of who I can connect with and trust. 

  • Introverts, the socially (and generally) anxious, people who get hurt easily. Hermits United! 

  • ,

    1.  Animals (excluding humans). Definitely but I'm highly allergic. :-(

    2.  Nature (especially trees). Same as well as my wee plants I have in my flat which have names.

    3.  People who are (I can't think of the correct word) : disenfranchised, marginalised, vulnerable, different, 'outsiders', come to mind. I'd say it's more people who are "real" who I feel instantly connected with.  I used to make friends with the bullied people are school because I wanted to stick up for them and I hated that they would be hurting inside.  I now know that the bullies were probably feelings that way too....

    4.  Some of the rest of human society. This is the case here where I can cry when reading of others trauma because I've been there too in most cases.